Manjón Antolín, Miquel
Associate Professor
Specialization Applied Microeconometrics, Corporate Governance, Empirical IO
e-mail miquel.manjon@urv.cat
Phone 977759849
Office 305
Group qure
PhD Universitat Rovira i Virgili


Articles in journals JCR
  • Clement, J. , Manjón, Miquel and Crutzen, N. (2022): "Factors for Collaboration Among Smart City Stakeholders: A local government perspective", Government Information Quarterly, 39, Issue 4, 101746
  • Manjón, Miquel , Aouni, Z. and Crutzen, N. (2022): "Green and Digital Entrepreneurship in Smart Cities", Annals of Regional Science, 68, 429-462
  • Manjón, Miquel and Crutzen, N. (2022): "Air Quality in Smart Sustainable Cities: Target and/or Trigger?", Annals of Regional Science, 68, 359-386
  • Calá, Carla Daniela. , Manjón, Miquel and Arauzo-Carod, Josep-Maria (2017): "Regional Determinants of Exit across Firms’ Size: Evidence from Argentina", Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie – Journal of Economic and Social Geography, 108, n.6, 768-785
  • Miranda, Karen , Martínez, Óscar and Manjón, Miquel (2017): "Estimating individual effects and their spatial spillovers in linear panel data models: Public capital spillovers after all?", Spatial Statistics, 22, 1, 1-17
  • Calá, Carla Daniela. , Manjón, Miquel and Arauzo-Carod, Josep-Maria (2016): "Regional determinants of firm entry in a developing country", Papers in Regional science, 95 (2), 259-279
  • Mañez, J. and Manjón, Miquel (2016): "Production Function Estimation in Stata Using the Ackerberg-Caves-Frazer Method", Stata Journal, 16, 900-916
  • Calá, Carla Daniela. , Arauzo-Carod, Josep-Maria and Manjón, Miquel (2015): "The Determinants of Exit in a Developing Country: Core and Peripheral Regions", The Annals of Regional Science, 54, 927-944
  • Jordi, Catalina and Manjón, Miquel (2014): "The determinants of urban (un)employment duration: evidence from Barcelona", The Annals of Regional Science, 53, 515-556
  • Manjón, Miquel and Martínez, Óscar (2014): "The Chi-square Goodness-of-fit Test for Count Data Models", Stata Journal, 14, 798-816
  • Arauzo-Carod, Josep-Maria and Manjón, Miquel (2013): "New Insights in Industrial Location", Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie – Journal of Economic and Social Geography, 104, 133-135
  • Manjón, Miquel , Rochina-Barrachina, María Engracia and Sanchís-Llopis, Juan (2013): "Export Intensity and the Productivity Gains of Exporting", Applied Economics Letters, 20, 804-808
  • Manjón, Miquel , Rochina-Barrachina, María Engracia and Sanchís-Llopis, Juan (2013): "Reconsidering Learning by Exporting", Review of World Economics, 149, 5-22
  • Martínez, Óscar , Manjón, Miquel and Arauzo-Carod, Josep-Maria (2013): "The Geographical Scope of Industrial Location Determinants: An Alternative Approach", Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie – Journal of Economic and Social Geography, 104, 194-214
  • Añón-Higón,D. and Manjón, Miquel (2012): “Multinationality, Foreignness andInstitutional Distance in the Relation between RD and Productivity”, Research Policy, 41, 592-601
  • Manjón, Miquel and Arauzo-Carod, Josep-Maria (2012): "(Optimal) Spatial aggregation in the determinants of industrial location", Small Business Economics, 39, 645-658
  • Manjón, Miquel , Añón, D. and Mañez, J. (2012): "Internationalization, RD and productivity: evidence for great Britain", Industrial And Corporate Change, 20 (2), 641-659
  • Manjón, Miquel and Arauzo-Carod, Josep-Maria (2011): "Locations and relocations: determinants, modelling, and interrelations", Annals of Regional Science, Vol. 47, Issue 1, 131-146
  • Arauzo-Carod, Josep-Maria , Manjón, Miquel and Liviano, D. (2010): "Empirical studies in industrial location: an assessment of their methods and results", Journal of Regional Science, 50(3), 685-711
  • Manjón, Miquel (2010): "The dynamics of entry and exit in manufacturing films: does size matter?", International Journal of Industrial Organization, 28, 464-476
  • Manjón, Miquel and Arauzo-Carod, Josep-Maria (2008): "The survival of firms: methods and evidence", Empirica, 35, 1-24
  • Manjón, Miquel , Gergen, L. and Renneboog, L. (2008): "Recent development in German corporate governance", International Review of Law and Economics, 28, 175-193
  • Arauzo-Carod, Josep-Maria , Manjón, Miquel , Martín, Mònica and Segarra, Agustí (2007): "Regional and sector-specific determinants of industry dynamics and the displacement-replacement effects", Empirica, 34 (2), 89-115
  • Manjón, Miquel (2007): "Does the proxy for shareholders’ control make a difference in firm-performance regressions? evidence from a blockholder system of corporate governance", Applied Economics Letters, 14, 445-459
  • Arauzo-Carod, Josep-Maria and Manjón, Miquel (2004): "Firm size and geographical aggregation: an empirical appraisal in industrial location", Small Business Economics, 22, 299-312
  • Manjón, Miquel (2004): "The trade-off between risk and control in corporate ownership", Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics-Zeitschrift Fur Die Gesa", 160 (2), 252-274
  • Manjón, Miquel and D. Leech (2003): "Corporate governance and game theoretic analyses of shareholder power: the case of Spain", Applied Economics, 13 (2), 157-173
  • Leech, D. and Manjón, Miquel (2002): "Corporate Governance in Spain (with an Application of the Power Indices Approach)", European Journal of Law and Economics, 13, 157-173
Articles in non-JCR-indexed journals
  • Calà, Carla Daniela. , Arauzo-Carod, Josep-Maria and Manjón, Miquel (2017): "Determinants of New Firm Formation in Developing Countries: A Review", International Review of Entrepreneurship, 15, (1)
  • Arauzo-Carod, Josep-Maria , Martínez, Óscar and Manjón, Miquel (2016): The Relocation of R&D Establishments in France: An Empirical Analysis, Journal of Regional Research, 33, 5-27
  • Manjón, Miquel , Mañez, J. and Añón, D. (2010): "Internacionalización y efectos de la I+D sobre la productividad", Papeles de Economía Española, 127, 140-155
  • Manjón, Miquel and Añón, D. (2009): "Aportación de la inversión en I+D a las mejoras en la productividad", Economía Industrial, 373, 15-22
  • Manjón, Miquel , Goergen, M. and Renneboog, L. (2008): "Is the German system of corporate governance converging towards the anglo-American model?", Journal of Management and Governance, 12, 37-71
  • Arauzo-Carod, Josep-Maria and Manjón, Miquel (2006): "La localización de nuevos establecimientos industriales: estudios previos y evidencia para los municipios Catalanes", Ekonomiaz, 62 (2), 40-69
  • Segarra, Agustí , Arauzo-Carod, Josep-Maria , Manjón, Miquel and Martín, Mònica (2002): "Demografía industrial y convergencia regional en España", Papeles de Economía Española, 93, 65-78
  • Manjón, Miquel (2000): "Les societats borsàries espanyoles a la primera meitat dels noranta: marc legal, característiques generals i estructures de propietat", Revista Econòmica de Catalunya, 40, 22-34
Book chapters
  • Arauzo-Carod, Josep-Maria and Manjón, Miquel (2007): "Entrepreneurship, industry dynamics, location and growth: an appraisal", Entrepreneurship, industrial location and economic growth, Edward Elgar,
  • Arauzo-Carod, Josep-Maria , Manjón, Miquel and Fibla, M. (2006): "Determinants de la localització d'establiments industrials a Catalunya", , CIDEM (Generalitat de Catalunya),
  • Manjón, Miquel , Goergen, M. and Renneboog, L. (2005): "Corporate governance: accountability, enterprise and international comparisions", in K. Keasey , S. Thompson and M. Wright (eds.) Corporate Governance in Germany, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd,
  • Manjón, Miquel (2002): "La Rotación empresarial: entrada y salida", La creación y la supervivencia de las empresas industriales, Civitas,