Theilen , Bernd
Full Professor
Specialization Industrial Organization, Contract Theory, Public Economics
Phone 977759813
Office 307
Group grode
PhD Christian-Albrechts University Kiel


Articles in journals JCR
  • Herwartz, H. , Theilen, Bernd and Wang, S. (2024): "Unraveling the structural sources of oil production and their impact on CO2 emissions", Energy Economics, 132, 107488
  • Rodriguez-Justicia, D. and Theilen, Bernd (2023): “Ideological alignment, public sector size and tax morale: empirical evidence from OECD economies”, Humanities & Social Sciences Communications, 10, 663
  • Theilen, Bernd and Tomori, Françeska (2023): "Regulatory commitment versus non-commitment: Electric vehicle adoption under subsidies and emission standards", Resource and Energy Economics, 74, 101388
  • Fageda, X. , Flores-Fillol, Ricardo and Theilen, Bernd (2022): "Price versus quantity measures to deal with pollution and congestion in urban areas: A political economy approach", Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 115, article 102719
  • Herwartz, H. , Rodríguez-Justícia, D. and Theilen, Bernd (2022): "A New Measure of Wage Risk: Occupation‑Specific Evidence for Germany", Social Indicators Research, 10.1007/s11205-022-02995-6,
  • Herwartz, H. and Theilen, Bernd (2022): "Effectiveness and counter‐cyclicality of fiscal consolidation under compliance regulation: The case of the Stability and Growth Pact", Economics & Politics, 10.1111/ecpo.12234,
  • Rodriguez-Justicia, D. and Theilen, Bernd (2021): "Immigration and tax morale: the role of perceptions and prejudices", Empirical Economics,,
  • Esteve-González, P. , Herwartz, H. and Theilen, Bernd (2020): "National support for the European integration project: Does financial integration matter?", Economics & Politics, DOI: 10.1111/ecpo.12166,
  • Herwartz, H. and Theilen, Bernd (2020): "Government ideology and fiscal consolidation: Where and when do government parties adjust public spending?", Public Choice, DOI 10.1007/s11127-020-00785-7,
  • Fageda, X. , Flores-Fillol, Ricardo and Theilen, Bernd (2019): "Hybrid cooperation agreements in networks: The case of the airline industry", International Journal of Industrial Organization, 62, 194-227
  • Rodríguez, David and Theilen, Bernd (2018): "Education and tax morale", Journal of Economic Psycology, 64, 18-48
  • Sanz, Patrícia and Theilen, Bernd (2018): "Partial tax harmonization through infrastructure coordination", Economic Inquiry, DOI: 10.1111/ecin.12554,
  • Esteve-González, P. and Theilen, Bernd (2017): "The economic determinants of party support for European integration", Acta Poltica, 53, 348-366
  • Herwartz, H. and Theilen, Bernd (2017): "Fiscal Decentralization and Public Spending: Evidence from Heteroscedasticity-Based Identification", The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, DOI 10.1515/bejeap-2016-0339,
  • Herwartz, H. and Theilen, Bernd (2017): "Ideology and redistribution through public spending", European journal of Political Economy, 46, 74-90
  • Herwartz, Helmut. , Sardà, Jordi and Theilen, Bernd (2016): "Money demand and the shadow economy: empirical evidence from OECD countries", Empirical Economics, 50, 1627–1645
  • Theilen, Bernd and Herwartz, Helmut (2016): "Ideology and redistribution through public spending", European Journal of Political Economy, 46, 74-90
  • Flores-Fillol, Ricardo , Ibañez, G. and Theilen, Bernd (2014): "Domestic and international research joint ventures: The effect of collusion", Economics Letters, 122, 79-83
  • Herwartz, Helmut and Theilen, Bernd (2014): "On the political and fiscal determinants of income redistribution under federalism and democracy: evidence from Germany", Public Choice, 159, 121-139
  • Herwartz, Helmut and Theilen, Bernd (2014): "Partisan influence on social spending under market integration, fiscal pressure and institutional change”, European Journal of Political Economy, 34, 409-424
  • Slivko, Olga and Theilen, Bernd (2014): "Innovation or Imitation? The effect of spillovers and competitive pressure on firms' R&D strategy choice", Journal of Economics, 112, 253-282
  • Herwartz, Helmut and Theilen, Bernd (2013): "Does the EU financing system contributes to shadow economic activity?", Economics & Politics, 25, 135-161
  • Herwartz, Helmut and Theilen, Bernd (2013): "Health care and indeology: a reconsideration of political determinants of public healthcare funding in the OECD", Health Economics, 23, 225–240
  • Theilen, Bernd (2013): "Contract Delegation with Bargaining", Economic Inquiry, 51, 959-970
  • Theilen, Bernd (2012): "Decentralization of Contracts with interim side-contracting", Theory and Decision, 73, 561-590
  • Theilen, Bernd (2012): "Product differentiation and competitive pressure", Journal of Economics, 107, 257-266
  • Theilen, Bernd and Herwartz, H. (2010): "The determinants of health care expenditure: new results from semiparametric estimation", Health Economics, 19(8), 964-978
  • Theilen, Bernd (2009): "Market competition and lower tier incentives", The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, 9 (1), 1-29
  • Theilen, Bernd (2009): "Monitoring gains and decentralization", The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, 9 (1), 1-26
  • Theilen, Bernd (2008): "Lobbying and contract delegation in public procurement", The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 8, 1-38
  • Theilen, Bernd (2007): "Delegation and information sharing in Cournot duopoly", Journal of Economics, 92 (1), 21-50
  • Theilen, Bernd (2003): "Simultaneous moral hazard and adverse selection", Economics Letters, 79, 283-289
  • Theilen, Bernd and Herwartz, H. (2003): "The determinants of health care expenditure: testing pooling restrictions in small samples", Health Economics, 12, 113-124
  • Theilen, Bernd and Seidl, Ch. (1994): "Stochastical independence of distributional attitudes and social status", European Journal of Political Economy, 10, 295-310
  • Theilen, Bernd and Lütkepohl, H. (1991): "Measures of multivariate kurtosis and skewness", Statistical Papers, 32, 179-183
Articles in non-JCR-indexed journals
  • Theilen, Bernd and Theilen Civera, M. (2020): "Cómo afectará la Covid-19 al mundo del deporte", Harvard Deusto Business Review, 301, 70-82
  • Theilen, Bernd (2009): "Hacia una aplicación correcta de los sistemas de incentivos", Harvard Deusto Business Review, 185, 61-70
  • Theilen, Bernd (2002): "Innovación y estructura organizativa de la empresa", Havard Deusto Business Review, 108, 68-76
  • Theilen, Bernd and Schmidt, U. (1995): "Prinzipal- und agententheorie", Wist, 9, 483-486
  • Theilen, Bernd (eds.) (1996): "Optimal contract and organizational design under moral hazard and adverse selection", Editorial: Josef Eul, Bergisch Gladbach, Köln
Book chapters
  • Fageda, X. , Flores-Fillol, Ricardo and Theilen, Bernd (2019): “Joint ventures in the transatlantic airline market", in Kevin Cullinane (eds.) Advances in Airline Economics, vol. 8, Emerald Books (ISSN:2212-1609),
  • Theilen, Bernd and Segarra, Agustí (2002): "La supervivencia de empresas", in Segarra, Agustí (eds.) La creación y la Supervivencia de las Empresas Industriales, Cívitas, Madrid,
  • Theilen, Bernd (2000): "Prospectiva de cambios en el sector asegurador en España y su interrelación con el sistema de salud", in C. Murillo (eds.) El mercado de los seguros sanitarios en España, Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, Madrid,
  • Theilen, Bernd (1994): "Anreizmechanismen", Lexikon der Volkswirtschaftslehre, Editorial: moderne industie, Landsberg,