Llop Llop, Maria
Full Professor
Specialization Public Economics, Environmental Economics, Applied General Equilibrium
Phone 977759898
Office S3.4a
Group qure
PhD Universitat Rovira i Virgili


Articles in journals JCR
  • Goyal, Srishti and Llop, Maria (2024): "The Shipping Industry under the EU Green Deal: An Input-Output Impact Analysis", Transportation Research Part A, 182, 104035
  • Llop, Maria (2024): "Beyond trade statistics: how much do exports actually contribute to domestic value added?", Humanities & Social Sciences Communications,,
  • Llop, Maria (2024): "Contribution of major economies to global GDP and product reallocation around the world", Heliyon, 10, e23909
  • Arauzo-Carod, Josep-Maria , Giménez-Gómez, José Manuel and Llop, Maria (2023): "Defning an ‘Epidemiological Risk Index’ to analyse COVID‑19 mortality across European regions", The Annals of regional Science, forthcoming,
  • Cámara, A. and Llop, Maria (2021): "Defining Sustainability in an Input-Output Model: An Application to Spainsh Water Use", Water, 13(1), 1
  • Llop, Maria (2021): "Defining prices in an inter-regional SAM system", Economic Systems Research, 33, 4, 492-508
  • Llop, Maria (2020): "A second-best analysis of alternative instruments for the preservation of natural resources", Sustainability, 12, 4,1562
  • Llop, Maria (2020): “Energy import costs in a flexible input-output price model", Resource and Energy Economics, 59, 101130
  • Llop, Maria (2019): “Decomposing the changes in water intensity in a Mediterranean region”, Water Resources Management, 33 (9), 3057-3069
  • Llop, Maria (2018): "Measuring the influence of energy prices in the price formation mechanism", Energy Policy, 117, 39-48
  • Mitra Kamidelivand , Caiman Cahill , Llop, Maria , Fionn Rogan and Brian O'Gallachoir (2018): "A comparative analysis of substituting imported gas and coal for electricity with renewables – An input-output simulation", Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 30, 1–10
  • Llop, Maria (2017): "Changes in Energy Output in a Regional Economy: A Structural Decomposition Analysis", Energy, 128, 145-151
  • Llop, Maria and Ponce, Xavier (2016): "Water and Agriculture in a Mediterranean Region: The Search for a Sustainable Water Policy Strategy", WATER, 8, 66
  • Cortés-Borda, Daniel. , Ruiz-Hernández, Antonio. , Guillén-Gosálbez, Gonzalo. , Guimerà, Roger. , Llop, Maria and Sales-Pardo, Marta (2015): "Identifying strategies for mitigating the global warming impact of the EU-25 economy using a multi-objective input–output approach", Energy Policy, 77, 21-30
  • Llop, Maria and Ponce, Xavier (2015): "Identifying the role of final consumption in structural path analysis: An application to water uses.", Ecological Economics, 109, 203-210
  • De Miguel, Francisco J. , Llop, Maria and Manresa, Antonio (2014): "Sectoral productivity gains in two regional economies: key sectors from a supply-side perspective", The Annals of Regional Science, 53, 731-744
  • Demisse, Eskinder. , Butnar, Isabela. , Llop, Maria and Castells, Francesc (2014): “Economic and environmental effects of the CO2 taxation: an input-output analysis for Spain“, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 57, 751-768
  • Gemechu, Eskinder D. , Butnar, Isabela , Llop, Maria , Sonnemann, G. and Castells, Francesc (2014): "CO2 emissions embodied in international trade: A multiregional Inputoutput model for Spain", Carbon Management, 4, 201-214
  • Llop, Maria , di Cosmo, Valeria and Hyland, Marie (2014): “Disentangling water usage in the European Union: A decomposition analysis”, Water Resources Management, 28, 1463-1479
  • Llop, Maria and Manresa, Antonio (2014): “Comparing the aggregation bias in the input-output model and the social accounting matrix model”, Applied Economic Letters, 21, 795-800
  • Llop, Maria (2013): "Water reallocation in the input-output model", Ecological Economics, volum 86, 21-27
  • Llop, Maria and Tol, Richard (2013): "Decomposition of sectorial greenhouse emissions: A subsystem input-oputput model for the Republic of Ireland", Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 56, 1316-1331
  • Llop, Maria (2012): "The role of saving and investment in a SAM price model", The Annals of Regional Science, 48 (1), 339-357
  • Llop, Maria and Arauzo-Carod, Josep-Maria (2012): "Identifying the economic impact behind a cultural asset: An input-output subsystems analysis", The Annals of Regional Science, 49 (3), 861-877
  • Llop, Maria , Demisse, E., Butnar I. and F. Castells (2012): "Environmental tax on products and services based on their carbon footprint: A case of study of the pulp and paper sector", Energy Policy, 50 (C), 336-344
  • Llop, Maria and Ponce, Xavier (2012): "A never-ending debate: Demand versus Supply water policies. A CGE analysis for Catalonia", Water Policy, 14, 694-708
  • Llop, Maria and Butnar, I. (2011): "Structural decomposition analysis and input-output subsystems: Changes in CO2 emissions of Spanish service sectors (2000-2005)", Ecological Economics, 70, 2012-2019
  • Llop, Maria and Pié, L. (2011): "Decomposition of emission multipliers in a NAMEA: The case of Catalonia", Journal of Industrial Ecology, vol.15(2), 206-216
  • Llop, Maria (2008): "Economic impact of alternative water policy scenarios in the Spanish production system: an input-output analysis", Ecological Economics, 68, 288-294
  • Llop, Maria and Pié, L. (2008): "Input-output analysis of alternative policies implemented on the energy activities: an application for Catalonia", Energy Policy, 36 (5), 1642-1648
  • Llop, Maria (2007): "Comparing multipliers in the social accounting matrix framework: the case of Catalonia", Environment and Planning A, 39 (8), 2020-2029
  • Llop, Maria (2007): "Economic structure and pollution intensity within the environmental input-output framwork", Energy Policy, 35 (6), 3410-3417
  • Llop, Maria and Butnar, I. (2007): "Composition of greenhouse gas emissions in Spain: an input-output analysis", Ecological Economics, 61 (2-3), 388-395
  • Llop, Maria and Manresa, A. (2007): "Analysis of linear multipliers in an open regional economy", Regional Studies, 41, 421-428
  • Llop, Maria and Manresa, A. (2004): "Income distribution in a regional economy: a SAM model", Journal of Policy Modeling, 35 (6), 3410-3417
  • Llop, Maria and Manresa, A. (2004): "The general equilibrium effects of social security contributions under alternative incidence assumptions", Applied Economics Letters, 11 (13), 847-850
  • Llop, Maria , Manresa, A. and de Miguel, F. J. (2002): "Comparación de Cataluña y Extremadura a través de matrices de contabilidad social", Investigaciones Económicas, 26 (3), 573-587
Articles in non-JCR-indexed journals
  • Llop, Maria (2023): "Environmental Taxation and International Trade in a Tax-Distorted Economy", Economics, 17, 1
  • Llop, Maria (2022): "Quantifying the employment impacts of gross exports: a global accounting perspective", Journal of Economic Structures, 11, 25
  • Murillo, C. , Carles, M. , Llop, Maria , Moya, X. and Planas, D. (2016): "Campeonato mundial de patinaje artístico Reus 2014: Opinión de los participantes y legado económico", Revista Euroamericana de Ciencias del Deporte, 5, 107-118
  • Llop, Maria and Arauzo-Carod, Josep-Maria (2012): "Economic impact of a new museum on the local economy: "the Gaudí centre"", Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, 5, 17-23
  • Llop, Maria and Pié, L. (2011): "Capturing the multisectorial effects of environmental policies: a linear price model for Catalonia", Environmental Economics, 2, 17-26
  • Carles, Misericòrdia , Llop, Maria , López, B. , Pérez, María José and Sardà, Jordi (2010): "Economic impact of a healthcare institution. An input-output model", The Empirical Economics Letters, 9(9), 883-888
  • Llop, Maria (2007): "Anàlisi comparativa temporal dels multiplicadors input-output de l'economia Catalana: 1987 versus 2001", Nota d'Economia, 87, 133-144
  • Llop, Maria (2007): "Descomposición de los cambios de multiplicadores en una matriz de contabilidad social: un ejemplo para la economía Catalana", Estudios de Economía Aplicada, 25 (3),
  • Llop, Maria and Cardenete, M. A. (2005): "Modelos multisectoriales de equilibrio general aplicado en España: una revisión", Estudios de Economía Aplicada, 23 (2), 1-21
  • Llop, Maria (2004): "Capturing the economic impact of a public institution: the Rovira i Virgili University", Journal of Applied Input-Output Analysis, 10, 65-79
  • Llop, Maria (2004): "Influencia de los precios de los factores y de las importaciones en la economia catalana (1994)", Investigaciones Regionales, 4 (1), 115-129
  • Llop, Maria and A. Manresa (2001): "Comparación de Cataluña y Extremadura a través de matrices de contabilidad social", Nota d'Economia, 69-70, 191-193
  • Llop, Maria and Manresa, A. (2000): "Multiplicadors lineals en una matriu de comptabilitat social", Revista Estadística Española, 144, 241-268
  • Llop, Maria and Manresa, A. (1999): "Análisis de la economía de Cataluña (1994) a través de una Matriz de Contabilidad Social", Revista Estadística Española, 144, 241-268
  • Segarra, Agustí and Llop, Maria (1997): "Crecimiento y estructura industrial en las regiones españolas: 1978-1994", Información Comercial Española, 772, 125-139
  • Llop, Maria (eds.) (2011): "Air Pollution: Economic Modeling and Control Policies", Bentham e-Books, ISBN: 978-1-60805-217-2
  • Segarra, Agustí , (dir) , Llop, Maria , Pablo, Federico , Piñol, J.M. and Teruel, Mercedes (eds.) (2011): "Els poder de les idees. Impactes de la URV sobre la societat", Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona
  • Llop, Maria , Carles, Misericòrdia , Pérez, María José and Sardà, Jordi (eds.) (2010): "El grup SAGESSA: activitat i impacte economic", Grup SAGESSA
  • Llop, Maria (eds.) (2007): "Propuesta metodológica para evaluar el impacto económico del desmantelamiento de la Central Nuclear de Zorita (Guadalajara)", Documentos Internos de Enresa, 01-2007
  • Llop, Maria (eds.) (2005): "Impacto económico del desmantelamiento de la central nuclear Vandellòs", Publicaciones Técnicas 08/2005, Enresa
Book chapters
  • E. D. Gemechu , I. Butnar , F. Castells , G. Sonnemann and Llop, Maria (2017): “Environmentally extended Input-Output analysis for sustainable regional development", in S. Massari, G. Sonnemann and F. Balkau (eds.) , Life cycle approaches to regional development, Routledge 53-59,
  • D. Cortés-Borda , A. Ruiz-Hernández , G. Guillén-Gosálbez , R. Guimerà , M. Sales-Pardo and Llop, Maria (2014): “GHG emissions minimization at the macroeconomic level via a multi-objective optimization/Input-Output approach: A case study of the EU-25 economy, in J. J. Klemes, P. S. Varbanov and P. Y. Liew (eds.) , Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, Elsevier, 33: 1069-1074,
  • Llop, Maria (2011): “General equilibrium effects of policy measures applied to energy: The case of Catalonia”, in Guoxiang Liu (editor), Greenhouse Gases/Book 2, Intech, ISBN: 979-953-307-143-4.,
  • Llop, Maria , Butnar, B. , Gallego and Castells, F. (2011): "Atmospheric emissions and structural path analysis in the Spanish economy", in Llop, Maria (eds.) Air Pollution: Economic Modeling and Control Policies, Bentham e-Books, 2011, 31-45,
  • Llop, Maria and Sabena, S. (2011): "Measuring the air pollution of tourism: An input-output model for the Campania region", in Llop, Maria (eds.) Air Pollution: Economic Modeling and Control Policies, Bentham e-Books, 2011, 132-148,
  • Llop, Maria (2010): "Anàlisi sectorial: L'energia", in Generalitat de Catalunya (eds.) Informe annual sobre la indústria a Catalunya 2009, Departament d’Innovació, Universitats I Empresa, 2010,
  • Llop, Maria and L. Pié (2009): "Modelling a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in the catalan economy: the NAMEA approach", in C. P.l Vasser (eds.) The Kyoto protocol: Economic Assessments, Implementation Mechanisms and Policy Implications, Nova Publishers, 2009,
  • Llop, Maria (2004): "El impacto económico de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili", in Llop, Maria (eds.) Informe Fundación Conocimiento y Desarrollo 2004: la contribución de las universidades españolas al desarrollo, Fundación CYD, 2004,
  • Llop, Maria (2002): "L'impacte econòmic", in A. Segarra (eds.) L'impacte de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili sobre el territori, Cossetània, 2002,
  • Bové, Miquel Àngel and Llop, Maria (2000): "La Terra Alta", Anuari Econòmic Comarcal, 2000, Caixa Catalunya, Barcelona,
  • Llop, Maria and Allepús, Josep Maria (1996): "La productivitat en l'empresa industrial", in Segarra, Agustí and Oliva, Martí (eds.) Indústria i estratègies empresarials en el Camp de Tarragona, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Autoritat Portuària de Tarragona, 1996,