
Calendari de seminaris

Triggering competition in the Spanish airline market: the role of airport capacity and low cost carriers

Ponent: Xavier Fageda (UB)

Data/lloc: 13/12/2007 10:00 - Sala de Graus

Trade and Migration: a U-Shaped Transition in Eastern Europe

Ponent: Adolfo Cristobal

Data/lloc: 26/06/2007 15:30 - Aula Magna

The Economics of Invesment in Clinical Trials

Ponent: Paula González

Data/lloc: 15/06/2007 12:30 - aula 01

A non linear threshold model for the dependence of extremes of stationary sequence

Ponent: Óscar Martínez Ibáñez

Data/lloc: 08/06/2007 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Housing Satisfaction, Homeownership and Housing Mobility: A Panel Data Analysis for Twelve EU Countries

Ponent: Luis Diaz-Serrano

Data/lloc: 01/06/2007 12:30 - Sala de Graus

Document: PDF

Aplicació de conceptes de distribució a l'analisi mediambiental. Una línia de recerca fèrtil

Ponent: Juan Antonio Duro Moreno

Data/lloc: 28/05/2007 12:30 - Sala de Graus

Social Capital, Public Policy and Accountability

Ponent: Danilo Guaitoli

Data/lloc: 25/05/2007 13:15 - Sala de Graus

The demand for competencies: implications for the Educational System

Ponent: Daniel Miravet Arnau

Data/lloc: 11/05/2007 12:30 - Sala de Graus

Capital Humà i Productivitat en la Indústria Catalana

Ponent: Maria Teresa Fibla Gasparin

Data/lloc: 11/05/2007 12:30 - Sala de Graus

New Firm Formation and Dynamic Factor Demand: the Spanish Case

Ponent: Daniel Liviano Solís

Data/lloc: 30/04/2007 15:30 - Sala de Graus

Are specific skills an obstacle to labor market adjustment? Theory and an application to the EU Enlargement

Ponent: Julian Messina (UdG)

Data/lloc: 26/04/2007 12:00 - Sala de Graus

Endogenous structural change and dynamic in definite systems of equations

Ponent: Mario Eduardo Firmenich

Data/lloc: 20/04/2007 12:30 - Sala de Graus

Some Evidence that Women are More Mobile than Men: the case of Human Capital Migration in the UK

Ponent: Alessandra Faggian (University of Reading, UK)

Data/lloc: 28/03/2007 12:30 - Sala de Graus

Labor productivity in Europe. Evidence from a sample of regions

Ponent: Rosella Nicolini (IAE-CSIC, Barcelona)

Data/lloc: 21/03/2007 12:30 - Sala de Graus

Efectos del sistema financiero en la creación de empresas: un análisis aplicado a los municipios españoles

Ponent: Elisabet Viladecans (Universitat de Barcelona)

Data/lloc: 20/02/2007 12:30 - Sala de Graus

South Africa On-Call: Information Technology and Labour Restructuring in South African Call Centres

Ponent: Chris Benner (Penn State University, USA)

Data/lloc: 30/01/2007 12:30 - Sala de Graus