
Calendari de seminaris

Education and Risk: a survey

Ponent: Joop Hartog (Universitat d'Amsterdam)

Data/lloc: 18/12/2012 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Documents adjunts: Eduacation and Risk a survey

A model for internal and external competition in the HSR lines: an application to Spain.

Ponent: Rafael Moner (Universitat de València)

Data/lloc: 10/12/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Timing of Technology Adoption in Vertically Related Industries

Ponent: Emmanuel Petrakis

Data/lloc: 27/11/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Collusion through Joint R&D: An Empirical Assessment

Ponent: Jo Seldeslachts (University of Amsterdam & KU Leuven)

Data/lloc: 21/11/2012 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Does Complexity Explain the Structure of Trade?

Ponent: Francisco Requena-Silvente (Universidad de Valencia)

Data/lloc: 16/11/2012 13:10 - Aula Mas Vila

The assignment game: core and stable sets

Ponent: Marina Nuñez Oliva (UB)

Data/lloc: 31/10/2012 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Lectura tesis doctoral

Lectura de la tesi: "Essays on Firm R&D Strategies and Market Design"

Doctorand: Olga Slivko

Data: 25-10-2012

Hora i lloc: 11:00 a la Sala de Graus

Contagion vs Interdependence: A MIDAS DCC approach

Ponent: Jilber Andrés Urbina Calero

Data/lloc: 24/10/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Affirmative Action through an Extra Prize and the Partial Exclusion Principle

Ponent: Patricia Esteve González

Data/lloc: 17/10/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Lectura tesis doctoral

Data/lloc: 11/10/2012 10:00 - Sala de Graus

Lectura de la tesi: "Innovación, frontera tecnológica y capacidad absortiva: el papel de las externalidades del conocimiento"

Doctorand: Verònica Gombau Bertomeu

Data: 11-10-2012

Hora i lloc: 12:00 a la Sala de Graus

International Ecological Footprint Inequality: First results on a Regression-Based Decomposition

Ponent: Jordi Josep Teixidó Figueras

Data/lloc: 10/10/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

How recent failure affects future enterpreneurs?

Ponent: Judit Albiol Sánchez

Data/lloc: 03/10/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Lectura tesis doctoral

Data/lloc: 02/10/2012 11:00 - Sala de Graus

Lectura de la tesi: "Estudios empíricos sobre la industria de los ordenadores personales"

Doctorand: Mariela Roxana Fucks Aguilar

Data: 02-10-2012

Hora i lloc: 11:00 a la Sala de Graus

A proportional approach to claims problems with a guaranteed minimum.

Ponent: José Manuel Giménez-Gómez

Data/lloc: 27/06/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

On the effect of collusion on domestic and international research joint ventures

Ponent: Guiomar Ibañez Zarate

Data/lloc: 26/06/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Optimal Selling Mechanism in a Repeated Game under Imperfect Commitment

Ponent: Juan Ignacio Beccuti Vázquez (UC3M)

Data/lloc: 25/06/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Decentralization as a Way to Avoid Secessionist Conflict: the Case of Interregional Inequality

Ponent: Sabine Flamand (UAB)

Data/lloc: 22/06/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Strategic sharing of a costly network

Ponent: Peris, Josep E.

Data/lloc: 20/06/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Do more educated leaders lead to more educated citizens?

Ponent: Jessica Helen Pérez Reynosa

Data/lloc: 19/06/2012 13:10 - Aula 08

Genetic testing with primary prevention and moral hazard

Ponent: Philippe De Donder

Data/lloc: 07/06/2012 13:10 - Aula 08

Strategy-proofness and Equal-cost Sharing for a Binary Excludable Public Good with Fixed Cost

Ponent: Jordi Massó (UAB)

Data/lloc: 15/05/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Welfare and geographic entry policies

Ponent: Joan-Ramon Borrell Arqué (UB)

Data/lloc: 08/05/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Winning Big but Feeling No Better? The Effect of Lottery Prizes on Physical and Mental Health

Ponent: Andrew Clark(PSE)

Data/lloc: 24/04/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Strategic campaigning with vote and turnout buying: theory and evidence

Ponent: Agustin Casas (EUI)

Data/lloc: 17/04/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Smooth & Nonparametric Filtering for Likelihood Inference in Dynamic Latent Variables Models

Ponent: Christian Brownlees

Data/lloc: 27/03/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Regional labor demand and national labor market institutions in Europe

Ponent: Helmut Herwart

Data/lloc: 15/03/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Golden Rules for Wages

Ponent: Hernando Zuleta (UPF)

Data/lloc: 08/03/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Business Cycles and investment in intangibles: Evidence from Spanish firms

Ponent: Paloma López-García

Data/lloc: 06/03/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus


Wage effects from changes in local human capital in Britain

Ponent: Ioannis Kaplanis

Data/lloc: 01/03/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Random or referral hiring: when social connections matter

Ponent: Catia Nicodemo (UAB)

Data/lloc: 23/02/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Misclassification of the Dependent Variable in a Debt-Repayment Behavior Context

Ponent: Carlos Aller (Universidad de Alicante)

Data/lloc: 21/02/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

A fractionally integrated approach to monetary policy and inflation dynamics

Ponent: Alejandro Pérez-Laborda (Universidad de Alicante)

Data/lloc: 16/02/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Knowledge of Catalan, public/private sector choice and earnings: Evidence from a double sample selection model

Ponent: Antonio Di Paolo

Data/lloc: 14/02/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

The effect of a child when family planning may fail

Ponent: Pablo Lavado(CEMFI)

Data/lloc: 07/02/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Vertical Aspects of sub-national Deficits: The Impact of Fiscal Rules and Tax Autonomy in European Countries

Ponent: Dirk Foremny (BONN)

Data/lloc: 02/02/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Selection in initial and return migration: Evidence from moves across Spanish cities

Ponent: Jorge de la Roca (CEMFI)

Data/lloc: 31/01/2012 13:30 - Sala de Graus

Cronyism in Business, Public Sector and Politics

Ponent: Galina Zudenkova

Data/lloc: 26/01/2012 13:30 - Sala de Graus