URV · FEE · Departament d'Economia · Official Master in International Markets
Departamento de Economía

Official Master in International Markets

The global economic environment is increasingly complex, and poses a range of challenges for businesses and public institutions that operate in this dynamic and changing environment. The Master in International Markets responds to the growing demand for professionals able to detect trends in global markets, to assess changes that result from these trends, and to respond fast to new conditions. It is aimed at students and professionals interested in the functioning of international markets and the corporate internationalization strategies. The training involved in the Master’s Degree puts special emphasis on the development of the needed professional skills to interact in international, interdisciplinary and multicultural environments. In addition, the Master gives access to the URV Doctoral Program in Economics and Business (which has the “recognition of Excellence” awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Education).

This Master’s degree is offered both full-time (in one-year time) and part-time, in order to facilitate the combination of study and professional life. In case of part-time, students should enrol for a minimum 20 of ECTS and a maximum of 46 ECTS per academic year.

The Master includes two tracks of specialization:

  • Professional Track
  • Research Track

Information about the PhD program

Updated information: Master´s Web page

Place: Faculty of Economics and Business