Mercedes Teruel is an associate professor at the
department of Economics of Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV). After studying
Business Management (1999) and Economics (2001), she obtained her MSc in
Economics at the University of Essex in 2005, and her PhD at URV in 2006. From
2010 to 2017, she was in charge of the Bachelor in Economics and academic
secretary of the Dean's office. Since 2017 she is the Director of the Chair for
the Promotion of Firm Innovation and since 2021 she is the Coordinator of the Master
in Entrepreneurship and Innovation.
Her research interests include firm growth, empirical
industrial organization and innovation. Her publications have appeared in
the Small Business
Economics, Research Policy, Growth and Change, Industrial and Corporate Change,
Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization and Economics of Innovation and New
She is also Associate Editor, Applied Economic
Analysis (2019), Advisory Editor in Research Policy (2021) and member of
the Editorial Board Review in Small Business Economics (2021).
She is also winner of the Richard R. Nelson Prize
(2016) awarded by the editors of Industrial
and Corporate Change and Research Policy. The award recognizes a
research paper (in alternating years) in Research Policy or ICC that has made a
substantial contribution to the literature. The paper is co-authored joined
with Alexander Coad and entitled "Inter-firm competition and firm growth:
Is there any evidence of direct competition between firms?", published in Industrial and Corporate Change,
22, 397-425 (2013).