
Name: Conference Innovation and Prospects of Agricultural Sector

Date: 17/06/2010

Name: Job openings for academic year 2011/2012: more information at “Vacancies

Date: 01/10/2010

More information:

Name: The Ramón Areces Foundation has awarded funding to the project “Competencia, regulación y efectos de red en el transporte aéreo” in the “IX Concurso Nacional para la Adjudicación de Ayudas a la Investigación en Ciencias Sociales”. The participants in this project are Xavier Fageda (UB), Joan Calzada (UB) and Ricardo Flores-Fillol (URV).

Date: 06/09/2010

Name: From September 2010, the Department of Economics of URV has two new assistant professors that were contracted during the job-market: Gallina Zudenkova and António Miguel Osorio Costa, both with a PhD from Universidad Carlos III of Madrid

Date: 01/09/2010

Name: Different members of the Department of Economics of URV have been recently awarded with 6 research projects of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation during the last competitive process (summary of the funding awarded; full list of awarded projects)

Date: 02/07/2010