
Grup de Recerca en Indústria i Territori (GRIT)

Introduction - Av. de la Universitat, 1. 43204, Reus (Tarragona, Spain)
tel. 977759816 - fax 977300661

The Rovira i Virgili University’s research group on Industry and Territory (GRIT) carries out research into applied economics. It was founded in 1999 and is part of the map of research groups of the URV and the Catalan Government. Its members are lecturers of the URV affiliated to the Department of Economics.

GRIT mainly studies three areas: industrial dynamics, the economics of innovation and efficiency, and the economics of tourism. Using scientific and independent criteria, the group studies applied economics aith the aid of the most rigorous techniques provided by theoretical and applied economics. Its main aim is to establish work dynamics that make it easier for both individuals and groups to access the competitive calls for research and to publish research results in prestigious scientific journals.

2012-2013 Visiting Researchers Program
Call for Applications
Research Position in Industrial Organization and Innovation