
Seminar calendar

Curbing the Consumption of Positional Goods: Behavioral Interventions versus Taxation

Ponente: Gergely Horvath (Xi'an Jiaotong - Liverpool University)

Fecha/ubicación: 19/12/2019 13:10 - Sala de graus

Is the birth order effect a modern phenomenon?

Ponente: Marian Vidal-Fernandez (U. Sidney)

Fecha/ubicación: 09/12/2019 13:10 - Sala de graus

The Hard Problem of Prediction for Conflict Prevention

Ponente: Hannes Mueller (Institut d'Analisi Economica (CSIC))

Fecha/ubicación: 03/12/2019 13:10 - Sala de graus

Claims problems with indivisible items of different prices

Ponente: Natividad Llorca Pascual (U. Miguel Hernández)

Fecha/ubicación: 07/11/2019 13:10 - Sala de graus

"Global temperatures and greenhouse gases: a common feautures approach" (F. Vahid) "The effects of trade size and market depth on immediate price impact in a limit order book market " (H. Anderson)

Ponente: Farshid Vahid i Heather Anderson (Monash University, Australia)

Fecha/ubicación: 05/11/2019 13:10 - Sala de graus

Applied Regional Economic Research

Ponente: Geoffrey J.D. Hewings (U. Illinois)

Fecha/ubicación: 03/10/2019 13:10 - Sala de graus

The abolishment of the professor's privilege: impact on European university patents

Ponente: Catalina Martínez (CSIC)

Fecha/ubicación: 24/09/2019 13:10 - Sala de graus

Diversification Patterns in Argentina: A regional analysis from 1996 to 2012

Ponente: Andrea Belmartino (UNMdP, Argentina)

Fecha/ubicación: 30/05/2019 13:10 - Sala de graus

Two Remarks on Consumer Surplus

Ponente: Luis Corchón (UC3M)

Fecha/ubicación: 14/05/2019 13:10 - Sala de graus

Assessment Voting in Large Electorates: The Effect of Handicaps on Turnout Incentives

Ponente: Oriol Tejada (CER-ETH Zurich)

Fecha/ubicación: 26/04/2019 13:10 - Sala de graus

Why are schools segregated? Evidence from the secondary-school match in Amsterdam

Ponente: Hessel Oosterbeek (University of Amsterdam)

Fecha/ubicación: 25/04/2019 13:10 - Sala de graus

Freight rates in upside and downside markets: pricing of own and spillover risks from other shipping segments

Ponente: Christos Savva (Cyprus U. of Technology)

Fecha/ubicación: 23/04/2019 13:10 - Sala de graus

Spatial Polarization

Ponente: Fabio Cerina (University Cagliari)

Fecha/ubicación: 05/03/2019 13:10 - Sala de Graus

A fragile balance: Lawsuits, investigation, transparency and quality

Ponente: Artyom Jelnov (Ariel University, Israel)

Fecha/ubicación: 19/02/2019 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Oligopoly, Macroeconomic Performance and Competition Policy

Ponente: Jose Azar (IESE)

Fecha/ubicación: 12/02/2019 13:10 - Sala de Graus

The Effect of Unconventional Monetary Policy on Credit Creation and Destruction: Credit Flows and the Zero Lower Bound

Ponente: Ana María Herrera (U. Kentucky )

Fecha/ubicación: 29/01/2019 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Market power in bilateral oligopoly markets with non-expandable infrastructures

Ponente: Harold Houba (Vrije U. Amsterdam)

Fecha/ubicación: 22/01/2019 11:55 - Sala de Graus