
Future events

seminar 14/01/2025 "A General Model for the Distribution of Public Investment among Jurisdictions" Henry Aray (University of Granada)

Research Centre on Economics and Sustainability

The Research Centre on Economics and Sustainability (ECO-SOS), created in 2020, is a centre located at the Department of Economics of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili. This centre has been created from a previous research centre, the Research Centre on Industrial and Public Economics (CREIP), founded in 2010.

ECO-SOS has a team of more than forty researchers from different topics about economics and sustainability. These research lines can be grouped into the foll​owing: Environmental and Climate Economics, Health Economy, Regional and Urban Economics, Education and Labor Market, Business and Innovation, Energy and Natural Resources, Industrial Organization, Economic Policy and Sustainability, Game Theory and Environmental Conflicts, and Transport and Tourism.