Osório Costa, António
Associate Professor
Specialization Macroeconomics, Contract Theory
Phone 977758912
Office 312
Group grode
PhD Universidad Carlos III de Madrid


Articles in journals JCR
  • Duro, Juan Antonio , Osório, António and Pérez-Laborda, Alejandro (2023): "Are destinations reverting to the pre-pandemic 'normal'?", Tourism Economics, forthcoming,
  • Osório, António (2023): "Not everything is green in the green transition: Theoretical considerations on market structure, prices and competition", Journal of Cleaner Production, 427, 139300
  • Duro, Juan Antonio , Pérez-Laborda, Alejandro and Osório, António (2022): "Measuring Tourism Markets Vulnerability across Destinations Using Composite", Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, Forthcoming,
  • Osório, António (2022): "Data and Competitive Markets: Some Notes on Competition, Concentration and Welfare", The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics,,
  • Osório, António and Bornmann, L. (2022): "Research Calls, Competition for Funding and Inefficiency", Research Evaluation, forthcoming,
  • Osório, António and Zhang, Mimi (2022): "Incentivizing environmental investments: The contest-based subsidy allocation mechanism", Journal of Cleaner Production, 135132,
  • Osório, António and Zhang, Mimi (2022): "Using contests to design emission tax mechanisms", Sustainable Production and Consumption, 31, 762-776
  • Duro, Juan Antonio , Osório, António and Pérez-Laborda, Alejandro (2021): "Competition for domestic tourism in the COVID-19 pandemic: a characterization using a contest model", Tourism Economics, forthcoming,
  • Osório, António and Bommann, L. (2021): "On the disruptive power of small-teams research", Scientometrics, 1216(1), 117-133
  • Osório, António (2020): "On the First Offer Dilemma in Bargaining and Negotiations", Theory and Decision, 89(2), 179-202
  • Osório, António (2020): "Performance Evaluation: Subjectivity, Bias and Judgment Style in Sport", Group Decision and Negotiation, 29(4), 655-678
  • Osório, António and Pinto, A. (2020): "Income Inequality and Technological Progress: The Effect of R&D Incentives, Integration and Spillover", Journal of Public Economic Theory,,
  • Bonmann, L. and Osório, António (2019): “The value and credits of n-authors publications”, Journal of Informetrics, 13(2), 540–554.
  • Osório, António (2019): "Gender differences in competition: gender equality and cost reduction policies", Review of Economic Design, Doi. 10.1007/s10058-019-00219-x,
  • Osório, António and Luppi, Barbara (2019): "Argumentation Quantity and Quality: A Litigation Success Function", International Review of Law and Economics, forthcoming,
  • Osório, António and Pinto, A. (2019): "Information, uncertainty and the manipulability of artifcial intelligence autonomous vehicles systems", International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, DOI10.1016/j.ijhcs.2019.05.003,
  • Brito, D. , Osório, António , Ribeiro, R. and Vasconcelos, H. (2018): "Unilateral Effects Screens for Partial Horizontal Acquisitions: The Generalized HHI and GUPPI", International Journal of Industrial Organization, 59, 127-189
  • Osório, António (2018): "Brownian signals: information quality, quantity and timing in repeated games", Computational Economics, 52(2), 387-404
  • Osório, António (2018): "Conflict and Competition over Multi-Issues", BE Journal Theorectical Economics,,
  • Osório, António (2018): "On the impossibility of a perfect counting method to allocate the credits of multi-authored publications", Scientometrics, DOI: 10.1007/s11192-018-2815-6,
  • Osório, António (2017): "A Sequential Allocation Problem: The Asymptotic Distribution of Resources", Group Decision and Negotiation, 26, issue 2, 357-377
  • Osório, António (2017): "Judgement and Ranking: Living with Hidden Bias", Journal: Annals of Operations Research, 253,1, 501-518
  • Osório, António (2017): "Self-interest and Equity Concerns: A Behavioural Allocation Rule for Operational Problems", European Journal of Operational Research, 261, issue 1, 205-213
  • Giménez-Gómez, José Manuel , Osório, António and Peris, Josep E. (2016): "Bankruptcy problems with two references: an impartial compromise", TOP, 24, 131-142
  • Giménez-Gómez, José Manuel and Osório, António (2015): "Why and how to differentiate in claims problems? An axiomatic approach", European Journal of Operational Research, 241, 842-850
  • Osório, António (2015): “Some Notes and Comments on the Efficient use of Information in Repeated Games with Poisson Signals.”, Operations Research Letters, 43, 288-292
  • Osório, António (2013): "The lottery Blotto game", Economics Letters, 120, 164-166
  • Osório, António (2012): “A Folk Theorem for Games when Frequent Monitoring Decreases Noise”, The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, Volume 12, Issue 1
Articles in non-JCR-indexed journals
  • Osório, António (2018): "A Behavioral Theory of Allocation in the Dictator Game", Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics, 30, 2, 117-127
  • Osório, António (2018): “Group Contest Success Function: The Heterogeneous Individuals Case", International Game Theory Review, DOI: 10.1142/S0219198918500093,
  • Giménez-Gómez, José Manuel , Osório, António and Peris, J. E. (2015): "From bargaining solutions to claims rules: a proportional approach", GAMES, 6, 32-38