Josep Maria Arauzo

Josep Maria Arauzo, among the top 100 researchers in the field of regional science.

A recent study about researchers and institutions that intensively publish in scientific journals ranks the associate professor from the Department of Economics at URV, Josep Maria Arauzo, in the 31 position worldwide. On the other hand, the Universitat Rovira i Virgili ranks 42 in the world in the institutions ranking. The paper has been published in the scientific journal "Growth and Change".

The new can be read in catalan here.

CREIP will host the 2nd PhD Workshop on Industrial and Public Economics (WIPE) in Reus (Catalonia, Spain) on 13th-14th February 2014. WIPE aims to be an academic meeting where PhD students, young doctors, postdoc researchers and senior researchers could exchange experiences, research topics, ongoing projects  and future research activities on the basis on the Industrial and Public Economics

Attachments: Call for papers

CREIP will host the first PhD Workshop on industrial and Public Economics (WIPE) in Reus, on the 21st-22nd February 2013. WIPE aims to be an academic meeting where PhD students, young doctors, postdoc researchers and senior researchers could exchange experiences, research topics, ongoing projects and future research activities on the basis on the Industrial and Public Economics.

Attachments: Detailed Program

Opening of the academic year 2012 -2013 of the Centre de Recerca en Economia Industrial i Economia Pública (CREIP).

Inaugural lecture, "Política i cultura del no", by M. Hble. Sr. Jordi Pujol, president of the Generalitat de Catalunya from 1980 to 2003.

Tuesday 2 October 2012 (at 12:00h) at the Great Hall of the Faculty of Business and Economics


Name: Professor Mercedes Teruel Carrizosa (researcher GRIT) has been awarded by the collective work of Catalan industry after the crisis.

Date: 10/11/2011

More information: Document.

Name: The Chair for the Promotion of Business Innovation invites all university lectures and researchers to take part in a collection of working documents. We encourage you to publish your working papers on research, innovation, techincal change and technology transfer

Date: Opening

More information: Triptych

Name: XVII Simposi d'economia. Economia en risc: el perquè de tot plegat

Date: 30/03/2011

More information: Tryptic

Name: Es presenta l'estudi d'impacte econòmic de les centrals nuclears a Catalunya i al territori

Date: 01/03/2011

More information:

Name: Conference Innovation and Prospects of Agricultural Sector

Date: 17/06/2010

Name: Job openings for academic year 2011/2012: more information at “Vacancies

Date: 01/10/2010

More information:

Name: The Ramón Areces Foundation has awarded funding to the project “Competencia, regulación y efectos de red en el transporte aéreo” in the “IX Concurso Nacional para la Adjudicación de Ayudas a la Investigación en Ciencias Sociales”. The participants in this project are Xavier Fageda (UB), Joan Calzada (UB) and Ricardo Flores-Fillol (URV).

Date: 06/09/2010

Name: From September 2010, the Department of Economics of URV has two new assistant professors that were contracted during the job-market: Gallina Zudenkova and António Miguel Osorio Costa, both with a PhD from Universidad Carlos III of Madrid

Date: 01/09/2010

Name: Different members of the Department of Economics of URV have been recently awarded with 6 research projects of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation during the last competitive process (summary of the funding awarded; full list of awarded projects)

Date: 02/07/2010