






JCR PUBLICATIONS (profile in EconPapers/IDEAS/RePEec/ResearchGate/ORCID/Google_Scholar)

“The environmental challenge in aviation: Can airport charges be part of the solution?” (joint with Xavier Fageda), forthcoming in Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists [Abstract] [DOI]
“Service-quality and pricing strategies in the airline industry: The role of distance” (joint with Xavier Fageda), 2024, Economics of Transportation 40, article 100381 [Abstract] [DOI -- open access]

“Price versus quantity measures to deal with pollution and congestion in urban areas: A political economy approach” (joint with Xavier Fageda and Bernd Theilen), 2022, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 115, article 102719 [Abstract] [DOI -- open access]

“Pollution and congestion in urban areas: The effects of low emission zones” (joint with Valeria Bernardo and Xavier Fageda), 2021, Economics of Transportation 26-27, article 100221 [Abstract] [DOI -- open access]. Media coverage (in Spanish): Nada es Gratis

• “Vertical differentiation and airline alliances: The effect of antitrust immunity” (joint with Xavier Fageda and Ming Hsin Lin), 2020, Regional Science and Urban Economics 81, article 103517 [Abstract] [DOI]
“Market structure and quality determination for complementary products: Alliances and service quality in the airline industry” (joint with Jan K. Brueckner), 2020, International Journal of Industrial Organization 68, article 102557 [Abstract] [DOI]
• “Hybrid cooperation agreements in networks: The case of the airline industry” (joint with Xavier Fageda and Bernd Theilen), 2019, International Journal of Industrial Organization 62, 194-227 (special issue on airline industry) [Abstract] [DOI]
• “Platform pricing and consumer foresight: The case of airports” (joint with Alberto Iozzi and Tommaso Valletti), 2018, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 27 (4), 705-725 [Abstract] [DOI]
• “Teamwork and delegation of decisions within the firm” (joint with Susana Iranzo and Ferran Mane), 2017, International Journal of Industrial Organization 52, 1-29 [Abstract] [DOI]
• “How do airlines react to airport congestion? The role of networks” (joint with Xavier Fageda), 2016, Regional Science and Urban Economics 56, 73-81 [Abstract] [DOI]
• “Organization of land surrounding airports: The case of the aerotropolis” (joint with Miquel-Àngel Garcia-López and Rosella Nicolini), 2016, Land Economics 92 (1), 57-81 [Abstract] [DOI]
• “A note on optimal airline networks under airport congestion” (joint with Xavier Fageda), 2015, Economics Letters 128, 90-94 [Abstract] [DOI]
• “Domestic and international research joint ventures: The effect of collusion” (joint with Guiomar Ibáñez-Zárate and Bernd Theilen), 2014, Economics Letters 122 (1), 79-83 [Abstract] [Full Appendix] [DOI]
• “Airline consolidation and the distribution of traffic between primary and secondary hubs” (joint with Volodymyr Bilotkach and Xavier Fageda), 2013, Regional Science and Urban Economics 43 (6), 951-963 [Abstract] [DOI]
• “On the optimal distribution of traffic of network airlines” (joint with Xavier Fageda), 2012, European Economic Review 56 (6), 1164-1179 [Abstract] [DOI]
• “Air services on thin routes: Regional versus low-cost airlines” (joint with Xavier Fageda), 2012, Regional Science and Urban Economics 42 (4), 702-714 [Abstract] [DOI]
• “Endogenous mergers of complements with mixed bundling” (joint with Rafael Moner-Colonques), 2011, Review of Industrial Organization 39 (3), 231-251 [Abstract] [DOI]
• “Congested hubs”, 2010, Transportation Research Part B 44 (3), 358-370 (special issue on airport congestion pricing) [Abstract] [DOI]
• “Scheduled service versus private transportation: The role of distance” (joint with Volodymyr Bilotkach and Xavier Fageda), 2010, Regional Science and Urban Economics 40 (1), 60-72 [Abstract] [DOI]
• “Airline competition and network structure”, 2009, Transportation Research Part B 43 (10), 966-983 (most downloaded paper October-December 2009) [Abstract] [DOI]
• “Airline alliances: Parallel or complementary?”, 2009, Applied Economics Letters 16 (6), 585-590 [Abstract] [DOI]
• “Strategic formation of airline alliances” (joint with Rafael Moner-Colonques), 2007, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy 41 (3), 427-449 [Abstract] [Full Appendix] [JSTOR]
• “Airline schedule competition” (joint with Jan K. Brueckner), 2007, Review of Industrial Organization 30 (3), 161-177 [Abstract] [DOI]


“Dealing with negative externalities: Low emission zones vs. congestion tolls” (joint with Valeria Bernardo and Xavier Fageda), 2021, in R. Vickerman, Ed., International Encyclopedia of Transportation 1, 231-236, Elsevier (ISBN: 978-0-08102-671-7) [Abstract] [DOI]

• “Mitigating congestion in urban areas: Urban tolls versus low emission zones” (joint with Valeria Bernardo and Xavier Fageda), 2020, Papeles de Energía 10, 65-92, Funcas [Abstract]

• “Joint ventures in the transatlantic airline market” (joint with Xavier Fageda and Bernd Theilen), 2019, in K. Cullinane, Ed., The Economics of Air Transport in Europe -- Advances in Airline Economics 8, 117-136, Emerald Publishing Limited (ISBN: 978-1-78973-282-5) [Abstract] [DOI]
• “Airport congestion and airline network structure” (joint with Xavier Fageda), 2017, in J.D. Bitzan and J.H. Peoples, Eds., The Economics of Airport Operations -- Advances in Airline Economics 6, 335-359, Emerald Publishing Limited (ISBN: 978-1-78714-498-9) [Abstract] [DOI]


“Self versus delegated distribution in digital platforms: The case of Amazon” (joint with Giuseppe D'Amico and Bernd Theilen), 2023 [Abstract]. WP here