Documents de Treball

“Lobbying of Firms by Voters”

Year: 2009

Reference: Document de treball nº -22- 2009

Author(s): Matthias Dahm , Robert Dur, and Amihai Glazer

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

“Some Considerations Concerning Regulation and Competition in the Port Sector”

Year: 2009

Reference: Document de treball nº -21- 2009

Author(s): Mònica Martín Bofarull and Lorena García

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

“Information Dispersion and Equilibrium Multiplicity”

Year: 2009

Reference: Document de treball nº -20- 2009

Author(s): Carolina Manzano Tovar and Xavier Vives

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

“The Analysis of Accounting Multipliers: The NAMEA Approach in the Case of Catalonia”

Year: 2009

Reference: Document de treball nº -19- 2009

Author(s): Maria Llop Llop and Laia Pié Dols

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

“Relationship between technological progress, capital elasticity and emissions of industrial pollutants for the production sectors in Catalonia”

Year: 2009

Reference: Document de treball nº -18- 2009

Author(s): Laia Pié Dols and Marc Sáez

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

“El impacto diferencial del capital social sobre la salud de la población autóctona y los inmigrantes residentes en Cataluña”

Year: 2009

Reference: Document de treball nº -17- 2009

Author(s): Luis Diaz-Serrano and Alexandrina Stoyanova

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

“Disentangling the Housing Satisfaction Puzzle: Does Homeownership Really Matter?”

Year: 2009

Reference: Document de treball nº -16- 2009

Author(s): Luis Diaz-Serrano

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

“Risk Attitude And Wage Growth: Replication And Reconstruction”

Year: 2009

Reference: Document de treball nº -15- 2009

Author(s): Luis Diaz-Serrano , Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell and Joop Hartog

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

“Mobility and Housing Satisfaction: An Empirical Analysis for Twelve EU Countries”

Year: 2009

Reference: Document de treball nº -14- 2009

Author(s): Luis Diaz-Serrano and Alexandrina P. Stoyanova

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

“Innovation sources and productivity in Catalonia firms: a quantile regression analysis”

Year: 2009

Reference: Document de treball nº -13- 2009

Author(s): Agustí Segarra Blasco and Mercedes Teruel Carrizosa

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

“Dead-End Jobs or Career Opportunities? Advancement opportunities in call centers”

Year: 2009

Reference: Document de treball nº -12- 2009

Author(s): Ferran Mañé Vernet and Chris Benner

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

“Does Internationalization Alter the R&D-Productivity Relationship”

Year: 2009

Reference: Document de treball nº -11- 2009

Author(s): Miquel Manjón Antolín and Dolores Añón Higón

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

“Optimal Spatial Aggregation in the Determinants of Industrial Location”

Year: 2009

Reference: Document de treball nº -10- 2009

Author(s): Josep-Maria Arauzo-Carod and Miquel Manjón Antolín

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

“Migration and Trade: Theory with an Application to the Eastern-Western European Integration”

Year: 2009

Reference: Document de treball nº -9- 2009

Author(s): Susana Iranzo Sancho and Giovanni Peri

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

“Decentralization and the Gains from Monitoring”

Year: 2009

Reference: Document de treball nº -8- 2009

Author(s): Bernd Theilen

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

“Environmental Kuznets Curves for Carbon Emissions: A Critical Survey”

Year: 2009

Reference: Document de treball nº -7- 2009

Author(s): Nektarios Aslanidis

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

“Scheduled Service Versus Personal Transportation: The Role of Distance”

Year: 2009

Reference: Document de treball nº -6- 2009

Author(s): Volodymyr Bilotkach , Xavier Fageda and Ricardo Flores-Fillol

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

"Dispersión de precios en la industria de seguros sanitarios privados"

Year: 2009

Reference: Document de treball nº -5- 2009

Author(s): Martí Oliva Furés and Misericòrdia Carles Lavila

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

“Congested Hubs”

Year: 2009

Reference: Document de treball nº -4- 2009

Author(s): Ricardo Flores-Fillol

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

“Market Competition and Lower Tier Incentives”

Year: 2009

Reference: Document de treball nº -3- 2009

Author(s): Bernd Theilen

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

“Leading indicator properties of US high-yield credit spreads”

Year: 2009

Reference: Document de treball nº -2- 2009

Author(s): Nektarios Aslanidis and Andrea Cipollini

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

“Free Mobility and Taste-Homogeneity of Jurisdiction"

Year: 2009

Reference: Document de treball nº -1- 2009

Author(s): Matthias Dahm

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820