
Seminar calendar

Are results from Non-Hypothetical Choice-Based Conjoint Analyses and Non-Hypothetical Recoded Ranking Conjoint similar?

Speaker: José Maria Gil (UPC/CREDA)

Date/place: 10/12/2013 13:15 - Sala de Graus

The Effect of Aspirations, Habits, and Social Security on the Distribution of Wealth

Speaker: Jordi Caballé (UAB)

Date/place: 26/11/2013 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Pro…ting from Innovation: Firm Level Evidence on Markups

Speaker: Bruno Cassiman (IESE)

Date/place: 12/11/2013 13:15 - Sala de Graus

The SD-prenucleolus for TU agmes: Definition, properties and applications

Speaker: Javier Arín (Euskal Herriko Unibersitatea)

Date/place: 29/10/2013 13:15 - Aula 08

Strategic Trade Liberalization

Speaker: Dr. Jo Van Biesebroeck, University of Leuven i investigador del Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR)

Date/place: 16/10/2013 12:00 - Sala de Graus

Allocating via Priorities

Speaker: Dr. José Alcalde, (UA)

Date/place: 07/10/2013 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Do Exchange Rates Really Help Forecasting Commodity Prices?

Speaker: Dr. Pablo Rovira (Katholike Universiteit Leuven)

Date/place: 01/10/2013 13:15 - Sala de Graus

European integration: Partisan Motives or Economic Benefits?

Speaker: Patricia Esteve González

Date/place: 26/09/2013 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Are joint patents Collusive? Evidence from the US and Europe

Speaker: Dr. Christian Helmers (Universidad Carlos III Madrid), London Shcool of Economics, University of California

Date/place: 16/09/2013 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Competition and the Hold-Up Problem: a Setting with Non-exclusive Contracts

Speaker: Guillem Roig (Toulouse School of Economics)

Date/place: 26/06/2013 13:15 - Sala de Graus

On the Comparison of Group Performance with Categorical Data

Speaker: Carmen Herrero (Univ. Alicante)

Date/place: 19/06/2013 15:15 - Sala de Graus

Is money all? Financing versus knowledge and demand constraints to innovation

Speaker: Maria Savona (University of Sussex - SPRU)

Date/place: 12/06/2013 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Attachments: Is money all?

Product market regulation and innovation efficiency

Speaker: Fabio Pieri (Universidad de Valencia)

Date/place: 05/06/2013 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Alike in Many Ways: Intergenerational and Sibling Correlations of Brothers’ Earnings

Speaker: Lorenzo Cappellari (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore)

Date/place: 29/05/2013 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Ecosystem-based Marine Spatial Management in the Basque Country: linking human activities, biodiversity valuation and ecosystem services in supporting European Directives implementation

Speaker: Marta Pascual (BC3 Klima Aldaketa Ikergai)

Date/place: 15/05/2013 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Strategic choices for redistribution and the veil of ignorance: Theory and experimental evidence

Speaker: Anke Gerber (University of Hamburg)

Date/place: 08/05/2013 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Microcredit and Price Competition: standardize to differentiate

Speaker: Paolo Cassini (Katholiek Universitaet Leuven)

Date/place: 24/04/2013 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Extending the Nash Solution to Choice Problems with Reference Points

Speaker: José Manuel Zarzuelo (Univ. País Vasco)

Date/place: 17/04/2013 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Reading doctoral thesis

Reading the thesis: "Essays on Human Capital"

PhD: Jessica Perez

Date: 20-11-2013

Time and place: 12:00 a la Sala de Graus

Reading doctoral thesis

Reading the tesis: "Essays on Financial Contagion"

PhD: Jilber Urbina

Date: 05-12-2013

Time and Place: 11:00 a la Sala de Graus

Reading doctoral thesis

Reading the thesis: "La imputación múltiple y su aplicación a series temporales financieras"

PhD: Sebastian Cano

Date: 19-11-2013

Time and Place: 12:00 a la Sala de Graus

Reading doctoral thesis

Reading the thesis: "The international distribution of the ecological footprint:an empirical approach"

PhD: Jordi Teixido

Date: 09-10-2013

Time and place: 11:00 a la Sala de Graus

Reading doctoral thesis

Reading the thesis: “Essays on Public Procurements”

PhD: Patrícia Esteve

Date: 08-10-2013

Time and place: 11:00h a la Sala de Graus

Reading doctoral thesis

Reading the thesis: "La separació de funcions de compra i provisió pública: efectes del poder de mercat sobre l'eficiència dins el sistema sanitari català"

PhD: Aleix Gregori Gomis

Date: 31-01-2013

Time and Place: 12:00h a la Sala de Graus

Meritocracy, Egalitarianism and the Stability of Majoritarian Organizations

Speaker: Salvador Barberà (UAB)

Date/place: 20/03/2013 13:15 - Sala de Graus

On the effect of prospective payment on hospital efficiency in Germany

Speaker: Helmut Herwartz (CAU)

Date/place: 13/03/2013 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Sharing costs or sharing benefits?

Speaker: Miguel Ginés (Univ. Jaume I)

Date/place: 06/03/2013 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Innovation contests

Speaker: David Pérez-Castrillo de la UAB

Date/place: 27/02/2013 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Attachments: Innovation contests

The consistent measurement of the achievement and the shortfall inequality

Speaker: Casilda Lasso de la Vega Martínez

Date/place: 13/02/2013 13:15 - Sala de Graus

The determinants of Urban (Un)Employement Duration: Evidence from Barcelona

Speaker: Catalina Jordi Amorós and Miquel Manjón Antolín

Date/place: 30/01/2013 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Is there a disparate treatment in mortage pricing between immigrants and natives in the Spanish lending market?

Speaker: Luis Diaz-Serrano

Date/place: 23/01/2013 13:15 - Sala de Graus