
Seminar calendar

"Has the pandemic enlarged/reduced the gender gaps in health?"

Ponent: Fernanda Gutierrez Amaros, Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI), Italy.

Data/lloc: 06/11/2023 13:15 - Sala de graus

"Technological diversification throughout GVCs: The role of interregional linkages in European regions"

Ponent: Eduardo Hernández Rodríguez (Utrecht University)

Data/lloc: 31/10/2023 13:00 - Sala de graus

"Efficiency and productivity gains of robotic surgery: the case of the English National Health Service".

Ponent: Laia Maynou (UB)

Data/lloc: 03/10/2023 13:15 - Sala de graus

"Fiscal Knowledge and its Impact on Revealed MWTP in COVID times: Evidence from Survey Data"

Ponent: Alejandro Esteller-Moré (UB)

Data/lloc: 23/05/2023 13:15 - Sala de graus

"Estimating Oligopoly with Shareholder Voting Models"

Ponent: Ricardo Ribeiro (Universidade Católica Portuguesa)

Data/lloc: 09/05/2023 13:15 - Sala de graus

"Optimal Patent Lengths in Polluting Industries"

Ponent: Felix Munoz-Garcia (Whasington State University)

Data/lloc: 02/05/2023 13:15 - Sala de graus

"Regulating a Stackelberg Oligopoly with Time-Persistent Pollution"

Ponent: Ana Espinola-Arredondo (Whasington State University)

Data/lloc: 25/04/2023 13:15 - Sala de graus

"Paternity leave and Child Development"

Ponent: Lídia Farré (UB)

Data/lloc: 28/03/2023 13:15 - Sala de graus

"Texting parents to support children's education: Experimental evidence from Ghana"

Ponent: Elisabetta Aurino (UB)

Data/lloc: 21/03/2023 13:15 - Sala de graus

“Strategic Pricing, Lifespan Choices and Environmental Implications of Peer-to-Peer Sharing”

Ponent: María del Carmen Arguedas Tomas (UAM)

Data/lloc: 13/12/2022 13:15 - Sala de graus

"The external effects of public housing developments on informal housing: The case of Medellín, Colombia"

Ponent: Hector Mauricio Posada Duque (U. Antioquia, Colombia)

Data/lloc: 22/11/2022 13:15 - Sala de graus

"Public Infrastructure Spatial Complementarities in the Brazilian Structural Transformation"

Ponent: Fidel Pérez-Sebastián (UA)

Data/lloc: 15/11/2022 13:15 - Sala de graus

"Characterizations of the core on convex games with and without consistency"

Ponent: Peter Sudhölter (SDU)

Data/lloc: 01/06/2022 13:15 - Sala de graus

"May AI revolution be labour-friendly? Some micro evidence from de supply side"

Ponent: Marco Vivarelli (UCSC, Milano)

Data/lloc: 30/05/2022 14:00 - Sala de graus - Teams

"The key roles of renewable energy and economic growth in (disaggregated) environmental degradation"

Ponent: Ioannis Kostakis (U.Harokopio)

Data/lloc: 24/05/2022 13:15 - Sala de graus - Teams

"Does geographical exposure to language learning centres matter in a bilingual city?"

Ponent: Antonio di Paolo (UB)

Data/lloc: 18/05/2022 13:15 - Sala de graus - Teams

"Population displacement and urban conflict: Global evidence from more than 3300 flood events"

Ponent: David Castells-Quintana (UAB)

Data/lloc: 29/03/2022 13:15 - sala de graus - Teams

"Rituals of Reason: A Choice-Based Approach to the Acceptability of Lotteries in Allocation Problems"

Ponent: Renaud Foucart (U. Lancastater)

Data/lloc: 15/02/2022 13:15 - Webinar Teams

"Monitoring and Nowcasting Activity using a Combination of Partial Indicators"

Ponent: Luke Hartigan (U. Sidney)

Data/lloc: 18/01/2022 11:00 - Webinar Teams

“Fiscal choices across Spanish municipalities: Do agglomeration economies matter?”

Ponent: Jesús López-Rodríguez (U.Coruña)

Data/lloc: 14/12/2021 13:15 - Webinar-Teams

"Powerful Parental Preferences"

Ponent: Hubert János Kiss (Corvinus University & Hungarian Academy of Sciences).

Data/lloc: 23/11/2021 13:15 - Webinar-Teams

"The Determinants of CO2 Prices in the EU Emissions Trading System"

Ponent: Iryna Sikora (Ricardo Energy & Environment)

Data/lloc: 16/11/2021 13:15 - sala de graus/Teams

"Collusion through debt and managers" (joint with Salvatore Piccolo and Giancarlo Spagnolo)

Ponent: Raffaele Fiocco (University Bergamo)

Data/lloc: 09/11/2021 13:15 - sala de graus -Teams

"Appointed Learning for the Common Good: Optimal Committee Size and Efficient Rewards"

Ponent: Akaki Mamageishvili (ETH, Zurich).

Data/lloc: 19/10/2021 13:15 - sala de graus/Teams

"Infrastructure aid for resource trade? The crossroads of strategy and sustainable development"

Ponent: Camelia Turcu (U. Orléans), joint with Hendrik W. Kruse, Thaís Núñez Rocha

Data/lloc: 22/06/2021 11:00 - Webinar, via Teams

"Locus of Control, Educational Attainment and College Aspirations: The Role of Effort"

Ponent: Hubert János Kiss (Corvinus University & Hungarian Academy of Sciences)

Data/lloc: 15/06/2021 11:00 - Webinar, via Teams

"Democracy and primary education spending in Spain 1902-22"

Ponent: Sergio Espuelas (UB), joint with Paola Azar

Data/lloc: 08/06/2021 11:00 - Webinar, via Teams

"Broadcasting La Liga"

Ponent: Gustavo Bergantiño (U. Vigo)

Data/lloc: 25/05/2021 11:00 - Webinar, via Teams

"Claims problems"

Ponent: William Thomson (U. Rochester)

Data/lloc: 18/05/2021 15:00 - Webinar, via Teams

"The exodus from the city during the Covid-19 pandemic: a short-term trend?"

Ponent: Ilaria Mariotti (Politecnico di Milano), joint with Dante Di Matteo, Fabio Manfredini, Federica Rossi

Data/lloc: 04/05/2021 11:00 - Webinar, via Teams

"The common structure of all strategy-proof rules"

Ponent: Jorge Alcalde-Unzu (U.Navarra), joint with Marc Vorsatz

Data/lloc: 20/04/2021 11:00 - Webinar, via Teams

9th PhD Student Workshop on Industrial and Public Economics

Ponent: "Public Policies for the Energy Transition" i Keynote speaker: Prof. Natalia Fabra (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)

Data/lloc: 04/02/2021 09:00 - Microsoft Teams

A.poster wipe3

Does the low-carbon transition risk impact on the profitability and stock return performance of firms?

Ponent: Juan Carlos Reboredo (U. Santiago de Compostela)

Data/lloc: 16/12/2020 11:05 - Webinar, via Teams

Gibbs models: a new tool for the analysis of firms' location determinants

Ponent: Miguel Gómez de Antonio (UCM)

Data/lloc: 24/11/2020 11:05 - Webinar, viaTeams

"The Economic impact of weather and climate" 1st ECO-SOS Workshop on Economics and Sustainability

Ponent: Richard Tol (University of Sussex)

Data/lloc: 02/10/2020 08:45 - Microsoft Teams

The systemic governance influence of universal owners

Ponent: Vicente Cuñat (LSE)

Data/lloc: 26/05/2020 13:00 - Webinar, via Teams

Firm organization and information technology: micro and macro implications

Ponent: Asier Mariscal Arlabán

Data/lloc: 21/05/2020 13:00 - Webinar, via Teams

Gender differences in high-stakes performance and college admission policies

Ponent: Caterina Calsamiglia (UAB)

Data/lloc: 05/05/2020 12:30 - Webinar, via Teams

Foraging societies were more egalitarian than farming societies: Experimental evidence

Ponent: Ismael Rodríguez Lara (U. Granada)

Data/lloc: 23/04/2020 13:00 - Webinar, via Teams

Institutions and opportunism: some experimental evidence

Ponent: Antonio Cabrales (UC3M and UCL)

Data/lloc: 11/02/2020 13:10 - Sala de graus

Curbing the Consumption of Positional Goods: Behavioral Interventions versus Taxation

Ponent: Gergely Horvath (Xi'an Jiaotong - Liverpool University)

Data/lloc: 19/12/2019 13:10 - Sala de graus

Is the birth order effect a modern phenomenon?

Ponent: Marian Vidal-Fernandez (U. Sidney)

Data/lloc: 09/12/2019 13:10 - Sala de graus

The Hard Problem of Prediction for Conflict Prevention

Ponent: Hannes Mueller (Institut d'Analisi Economica (CSIC))

Data/lloc: 03/12/2019 13:10 - Sala de graus

Claims problems with indivisible items of different prices

Ponent: Natividad Llorca Pascual (U. Miguel Hernández)

Data/lloc: 07/11/2019 13:10 - Sala de graus

"Global temperatures and greenhouse gases: a common feautures approach" (F. Vahid) "The effects of trade size and market depth on immediate price impact in a limit order book market " (H. Anderson)

Ponent: Farshid Vahid i Heather Anderson (Monash University, Australia)

Data/lloc: 05/11/2019 13:10 - Sala de graus

Applied Regional Economic Research

Ponent: Geoffrey J.D. Hewings (U. Illinois)

Data/lloc: 03/10/2019 13:10 - Sala de graus

The abolishment of the professor's privilege: impact on European university patents

Ponent: Catalina Martínez (CSIC)

Data/lloc: 24/09/2019 13:10 - Sala de graus

Diversification Patterns in Argentina: A regional analysis from 1996 to 2012

Ponent: Andrea Belmartino (UNMdP, Argentina)

Data/lloc: 30/05/2019 13:10 - Sala de graus

Two Remarks on Consumer Surplus

Ponent: Luis Corchón (UC3M)

Data/lloc: 14/05/2019 13:10 - Sala de graus

Assessment Voting in Large Electorates: The Effect of Handicaps on Turnout Incentives

Ponent: Oriol Tejada (CER-ETH Zurich)

Data/lloc: 29/04/2019 13:10 - Sala de graus

Why are schools segregated? Evidence from the secondary-school match in Amsterdam

Ponent: Hessel Oosterbeek (University of Amsterdam)

Data/lloc: 25/04/2019 13:10 - Sala de graus

Freight rates in upside and downside markets: pricing of own and spillover risks from other shipping segments

Ponent: Christos Savva (Cyprus U. of Technology)

Data/lloc: 23/04/2019 13:10 - Sala de graus

Spatial Polarization

Ponent: Fabio Cerina (University Cagliari)

Data/lloc: 05/03/2019 13:10 - Sala de Graus

A fragile balance: Lawsuits, investigation, transparency and quality

Ponent: Artyom Jelnov (Ariel University, Israel)

Data/lloc: 19/02/2019 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Oligopoly, Macroeconomic Performance and Competition Policy

Ponent: Jose Azar (IESE)

Data/lloc: 12/02/2019 13:10 - Sala de Graus

The Effect of Unconventional Monetary Policy on Credit Creation and Destruction: Credit Flows and the Zero Lower Bound

Ponent: Ana María Herrera (U. Kentucky)

Data/lloc: 29/01/2019 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Market power in bilateral oligopoly markets with non-expandable infrastructures

Ponent: Harold Houba (Vrije U. Amsterdam)

Data/lloc: 22/01/2019 11:55 - Sala de Graus

Credit Cycles and the Prediction of Financial Crises

Ponent: Simon Van Norden (HEC Montreal)

Data/lloc: 27/11/2018 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Biased Experts, Majority Rule and the Optimal Composition of Committe

Ponent: Álvaro Name-Correa (UC3M)

Data/lloc: 20/11/2018 13:10 - Sala de Graus

How Redeployable are Patent Assets? Evidence from Failed Startups

Ponent: Carlos J. Serrano (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

Data/lloc: 13/11/2018 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Scope and Scale of Multinational Activity: An Empirical Assessment

Ponent: José Carlos Fariñas-García (UCM)

Data/lloc: 06/11/2018 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Resource-monotonicity of core allocations in co-investment problems

Ponent: Josep Maria Izquierdo (Universitat Barcelona)

Data/lloc: 05/11/2018 11:10 - Sala de Graus

Dealing with Complexity in rural research

Ponent: Tony Fuller (China Agricultural University (Beijing))

Data/lloc: 16/10/2018 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Intermittency and the social benefits of storage

Ponent: Elisa Trujillo-Baute (UB-IEB)

Data/lloc: 09/10/2018 13:10 - Sala de Graus

3rd GRODE Workshop: Game theory

Ponent: Pedro Calleja, Ricardo Martínez, Yan Long, Salvador Barberà, Bas Dietzenbacher, Peio Zuazo-Garin, Pau Balart, José Vicente, Jesús sánchez Ibraim, Ryan Tierney, Dolors Berga, Andreu Mas-Colell

Data/lloc: 27/09/2018 16:00 - Sala de Graus

Paraules clau del Workshop: Estudi i l’anàlisi sobre el comportament de diferents agents econòmics o socials quan interactuen entre ells. Anàlisi d'aquestes situacions des del punt de vista teòric (amb cooperació i sense cooperació entre els agents) com del aplicat.

Programa: 3rd GRODE Workshop: Game Theory

NTU-Bankruptcy Problems: Consistency and the Relative Adjustment Principle

Ponent: Arantza Estévez Fernández (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

Data/lloc: 19/06/2018 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Inequality Reducing Properties of Income Tax Schedules

Ponent: Humberto Llavador (UPF

Data/lloc: 15/05/2018 13:10 - Sala de Graus

The Rise and Fall of the Natural Interest Rate

Ponent: Alessandro Galesi (Banc d'Espanya)

Data/lloc: 26/04/2018 13:10 - Aula 0.10 FEE

Envy in Mission-Oriented Organizations

Ponent: Ester Manna (UB)

Data/lloc: 14/03/2018 13:10 - Sala de Graus

The Role of Gender in Employment Polarization

Ponent: Fabio Cerina (University of Cagliary)

Data/lloc: 05/03/2018 13:10 - Sala de Graus

The Core of Roommate Problems: Size and Fairness within Matched Pairs

Ponent: Flip Klijn (Institute for Economic Analysis (IAE-CSIC))

Data/lloc: 20/02/2018 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Exporting and productivity as part of the growth process: Results from a structural VAR

Ponent: Alessio Moneta (Scuola Superiore Sant Anna, Pisa)

Data/lloc: 13/02/2018 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Levels of Reasoning in Beauty Contest Games: A Framework for Economic Heterogeneity

Ponent: Rosemarie Nagel (ICREA-UPF-BGSE)

Data/lloc: 07/02/2018 13:10 - Sala de Graus

What Do News Aggregators Do? Evidence from Google News in Spain and Germany

Ponent: Joan Calzada (UB)

Data/lloc: 19/12/2017 13:10 - Sala de Graus

A Unified Theory of Learning to Forecast

Ponent: Christopher Gibbs (University of New South Wales )

Data/lloc: 12/12/2017 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Characterization of TU games with stable cores by nested balancedness

Ponent: Peter Sudhölter (University of Southern Denmark)

Data/lloc: 28/11/2017 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Contractual Flexibility and Selection into Borrowing: Experimental Evidence from Bangladesh

Ponent: Marianna Battaglia (U Alicante)

Data/lloc: 24/11/2017 13:10 - Aula 0.10 FEE

Monetary policy, stock market, and sectoral comovement

Ponent: Danilo Leiva-Leon (Banco de España)

Data/lloc: 17/11/2017 13:10 - Aula 0.10 FEE

Is there discrimination against the agricultural sector in the credit rationing behavior of commercial banks in Ghana?

Ponent: Frank Gyimah Sackey (Catholic Univ. Col of Ghana)

Data/lloc: 14/11/2017 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Teaching an old dog a new trick: reserve price and unverifiable quality in repeated procurement

Ponent: Alberto Iozzi (Università Tor Vergata- Roma)

Data/lloc: 31/10/2017 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Local Fishing Communities and Nature Based Tourism in Baja, Mexico: An Intersectoral Valuation of Environmental Inputs

Ponent: Alberto Ansuategui (UPV-EHU)

Data/lloc: 27/10/2017 13:10 - Aula Mas Vila

The Reach of Radio: Defection Messaging and Armed Group Behavior

Ponent: Joseph Flavian Gomes (Navarra Center for International Development)

Data/lloc: 10/10/2017 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Structural panel data analysis with an application to public spending

Ponent: Helmut Herwartz (U. Göttingen)

Data/lloc: 11/07/2017 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Optimal Privatization and Uniform Subsidy Policies: A Synthesis

Ponent: Ming Hsin Lin (U. Osaka)

Data/lloc: 03/07/2017 13:10 - Aula Mas Vila

Optimal feed-in-tariffs for Household Photovoltaic Panels in France

Ponent: Eugenia Sanin (Université d'Evry-Val-d'Essonne)

Data/lloc: 06/06/2017 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Tools for causal inference from cross-sectional innovation surveys with continuous or discrete variables: theory and applications

Ponent: Alex Coad (EC-Joint Research Center Sevilla )

Data/lloc: 29/05/2017 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Big Data in the Social Media Platform

Ponent: Andres Hervas-Drane (City U- Cass Bus.)

Data/lloc: 23/05/2017 13:10 - Aula Mas Vila

2nd GRODE Workshop: Claims problems

Data/lloc: 16/05/2017 10:00 - Sala de Graus

Paraules clau del Workshop: Demanda, Recusos relativament escassos i Distribució. (Teoria i Aplicació)

programa:2nd GRODE Workshop:Claims problems


Core and critical cities of global region airport networks

Ponent: José María Sallán (UPC)

Data/lloc: 10/05/2017 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Més informació: pàgina web personal


XXI Simposi d´Economia: El Trencaclosques de les Polítiques Europees

Data/lloc: 04/05/2017 17:30 - Sala de Graus

Financial connectdness and Long memory

Ponent: Andrea Cipollini (U. degli Studi di Palermo)

Data/lloc: 02/05/2017 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Análisis de la asignación de cuotas de CO2 desde la perspectiva de la teoría de juegos

Ponent: Joaquin Sánchez-Soriano (UMH)

Data/lloc: 27/04/2017 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Més informació: Pàgina web personal

VIII Jornada d’Economia de la Salut i Gestió de les Institucions Sanitàries

Data/lloc: 06/04/2017 09:00 - Aula Magna de la Facultat d’Economia i Empresa de la URV

Títol: "La presa de decisions: la importància de les dades"
Programa i cartell

Drivers of Environmental Certifications at Industry Level

Ponent: Ester Martínez (UC3M)

Data/lloc: 04/04/2017 13:10 - Sala de Graus

The Effects of Immigration on NHS Waiting Times

Ponent: Catia Nicodemo (Oxford)

Data/lloc: 28/03/2017 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Pathways of innovation: The I-district effect revisited

Ponent: Vittorio Galleto (Institut d'Estudis Regionals i Metropolitans de Barcelona)

Data/lloc: 21/03/2017 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Competition and welfare consequences of information platforms

Ponent: Piolatto, Amedeo

Data/lloc: 28/02/2017 13:10 - Sala de Graus

1st GRODE Workshop: Conflict and development

Ponent: Yitagesu Zewdu Zergawu , Javier Gardeazabal , Sabine Flamand , Yabibal Mulualem , Bernd Theilen i Joan Esteban

Data/lloc: 20/02/2017 09:15 - Sala de Graus

Measuring macro-level effects of the global economic recession on university-industry research cooperation

Ponent: Joaquin Maria Azagra Caro (CSIC-UPV)

Data/lloc: 20/12/2016 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Research Projects, Strategic Disclosure and Exit

Ponent: Guillem Roig (University of Melbourne)

Data/lloc: 13/12/2016 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Inference on filtered and smoothed probabilities in Markov-switching autoregressive models

Ponent: Máximo Camacho (U. Murcia)

Data/lloc: 01/12/2016 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Familiarity and Competition: The Case of Mutual Funds

Ponent: Ariadna Dumitrescu (ESADE)

Data/lloc: 22/11/2016 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Offshoring, Endogenous Skill Decision, and Labor Market Outcomes

Ponent: Pablo Agnese (UIC)

Data/lloc: 15/11/2016 13:10 - Sala de Graus

How to evaluate the effects of climate change on tourism

Ponent: Jaume Rosselló (U. de les Illes Baleares)

Data/lloc: 08/11/2016 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Monetary policy and sovereign risk dynamics: Evidence from the Eurozone

Ponent: Georgios P. Kouretas (Athens University)

Data/lloc: 25/10/2016 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Inequality in Conflicts

Ponent: Santiago Sánchez Páges (UB)

Data/lloc: 04/10/2016 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Structural VAR modelling with independent shocks: An analysis of macroeconomic dynamics in the Euro Area based on a novel identification scheme

Ponent: Helmut Herwartz (University of Göttingen)

Data/lloc: 27/09/2016 13:10 - Aula Mas Vila

Eco-innovation and business competitiveness: Empirical evidence from German panel data

Ponent: Abdel BITAT (Saint Louis University, Brussels)

Data/lloc: 12/07/2016 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Public support for NTBFs. Does it encourage growth? Spanish experience

Ponent: Elena Huergo (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

Data/lloc: 07/06/2016 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Higher costs of living in urban areas? An AIDS based analisys for food in Spain

Ponent: Fernando Rubiera (Universidad de Oviedo)

Data/lloc: 31/05/2016 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Subsidies in air transport markets: should we subsidize resident passengers or all passengers in the route?

Ponent: Mª Del Pilar Socorro (ULPGC)

Data/lloc: 17/05/2016 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Government support programs for innovative small and medium firms: Do they work?

Ponent: Sven-Olov Daunfeldt (HUI Research)

Data/lloc: 03/05/2016 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Testing for breaks in the weighting matrix

Ponent: Jesus Mur (Universidad de Zaragoza)

Data/lloc: 19/04/2016 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Rationing rules and stable coalition structures

Ponent: Elena Iñarra (UPV-EHU)

Data/lloc: 12/04/2016 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Monopoly Pricing with Dual Capacity Constraints

Ponent: Robert Somogyi (Ecole Polytechnique-CREST)

Data/lloc: 16/03/2016 13:10 - Sala de Graus

The strategic value of partial vertical integration

Ponent: Raffaele Fiocco (University of Mannheim)

Data/lloc: 15/03/2016 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Geographical Mobility and the Labor Market

Ponent: Cecilia Vives (UPV-EHU)

Data/lloc: 14/03/2016 13:10 - Sala de Graus

The case of Clinical Excellence Awards in the UK

Ponent: Mark Exworthy (University of Birmingham)

Data/lloc: 11/03/2016 13:30 - Sala de Graus

Doctors in management: Challenging or reinforcing the professional status order?

Ponent: Ian Kirkpatrick (University of Leeds)

Data/lloc: 11/03/2016 13:00 - Sala de Graus

Visibly bad: Information availability and ability choice in a market for physicians

Ponent: Javier Alejandro Rodriguez-Camacho (UAB)

Data/lloc: 10/03/2016 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Strategic Stability of Equilibria in Multi-Sender Signaling Games

Ponent: Péter Vida (University of Mannheim)

Data/lloc: 09/03/2016 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Optimal Public Policy à la Ramsey in an Endogenous Growth Model

Ponent: Elena del Rey (UdG)

Data/lloc: 08/03/2016 13:10 - Sala de Graus

On the Macroscopic Origins and Consequences of Economic Inequality: An Evolutionary Perspective

Ponent: Fabrizio Germano (UPF)

Data/lloc: 23/02/2016 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Competition and innovation with selective exit: an inverted U-shape relationship

Ponent: María Engracia Rochina (Universitat de València)

Data/lloc: 17/02/2016 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Cross-ownership, R&D Spillovers and Antitrust Policy

Ponent: Ángel Luis López (UAB)

Data/lloc: 15/12/2015 13:10 - Sala de Graus

El gasto en alimentación y la crisis económica en España:¿se cumple la Ley de Engels?

Ponent: Lluc Mercadé (CREDA/IRTA/UPC)

Data/lloc: 01/12/2015 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Public Opinion and Political Censorship

Ponent: Boris Ginzburg (UC3M)

Data/lloc: 24/11/2015 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Exploring the Spatial Connectivity of U.S. States, 1993-2007

Ponent: Geoffrey J.D. Hewings (University of Illinois)

Data/lloc: 18/11/2015 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Housework and fiscal expansions

Ponent: Stefano Gnocchi (Banc Central de Canadà)

Data/lloc: 11/11/2015 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Price Caps with Capacity Precommitment

Ponent: Diego Moreno (UC3M)

Data/lloc: 27/10/2015 13:10 - Sala de Graus

‘Hold that ghost’: Using notches to identify manipulation of population-based grants

Ponent: Albert Solé-Ollé (UB)

Data/lloc: 20/10/2015 13:10 - Aula Mas Vila

Why is income inequality so high in Spain?

Ponent: Carlos Gradin (Universitat de Vigo)

Data/lloc: 06/10/2015 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Seminari intern

Ponent: Jordi Teixidó-Figueras, professor associat URV, "The global carbon budget: a conflicting claims problem"

Data/lloc: 26/06/2015 13:10 - Sala de graus

The Rise of Meritocracy and the Inheritance of Advantage

Ponent: José V. Rodríguez Mora (University of Edinburgh)

Data/lloc: 23/06/2015 13:10 - Sala de graus

Seminari intern

Ponent: Maria Parra: Investigadora PostDoctoral, URV, "Gender diversity and innovation in manufacturing and service firms"

Data/lloc: 16/06/2015 13:10 - Sala de graus

Seminari intern

Ponent: Núria Barrubés: "Economic Growth and Social Inequality", Llúcia Mauri: "On egalitarianism-based solution concepts in cooperative TU-games", Karen Miranda: "Essays On Spatial Econometrics", Anna Moskalenko: "Decision making and implementation theory"

Data/lloc: 09/06/2015 10:00 - Sala de graus

Seminari Intern

Ponent: Frank Sackey: "Policy and discrimination in the microfinance market: the case of Ghana" , Marina Bannikova: "The more parties the easier to bribe" i Judit Garcia: "The effects of corruption and seigniorage in a monetary union"

Data/lloc: 26/05/2015 12:00 - Sala de Graus

Creative service industries and regional productivity.

Ponent: Rafa Boix (Universitat de València)

Data/lloc: 19/05/2015 13:10 - Sala de Graus

The impact of public transport expansions on informality: the case of the Sao Paulo Metropolitan Region

Ponent: Ana Isabel Moreno-Monroy, Marie Curie Research Fellow, URV

Data/lloc: 17/05/2015 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Evaluating VPIN as a trigger for single-stock circuit breakers

Ponent: Robert Pascual (UIB)

Data/lloc: 07/05/2015 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Seminari Intern

Ponent: Patrícia Sanz: "Theory of partial coordination" , Judith Turrión: "The demand seasonality in Spanish tourist destinations: a regional analysis" , Eva Coll: "Location determinants of creative industries: a preliminary insight" i Elisenda Jové: "Innovation performance at firm level: what is the role of innovation objectives?"

Data/lloc: 05/05/2015 12:00 - Sala de Graus

Noisy News in Business Cycles

Ponent: Luca Gambetti (UAB)

Data/lloc: 21/04/2015 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Analysing the sensitivity of spanish electricity prices to deviations in supply and demand

Ponent: Joan Batalla (ex-conseller de la Comisión Nacional de Energía)

Data/lloc: 14/04/2015 13:10 - Sala de Graus

SVAR modelling with independent innovations - An analysis of macroeconomic dynamics in the Euro Area based on a novel identification scheme

Ponent: Helmut Herwartz (University of Göttingen)

Data/lloc: 09/04/2015 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Geographical Mobility and the Labour Market

Ponent: Cecilia Vives (EHU-Universitat del País Basc)

Data/lloc: 24/03/2015 13:10 - Sala de Graus

On the (in)compatibility of rationality monotonicity and consistency for cooperative games

Ponent: Pedro Calleja (Universitat de Barcelona)

Data/lloc: 19/03/2015 13:10 - Sala de Graus

The effect of changes in the statutory minimum working age on educational, labor and health outcomes

Ponent: Judit Vall (CRES-Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

Data/lloc: 10/03/2015 13:10 - Aula Mas Vila

The Illusion of Choice: Evidence from Barcelona

Ponent: Caterina Calsamiglia (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

Data/lloc: 03/03/2015 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Effects of innovation on the European wood industry market structure

Ponent: Oscar Alfranca (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)

Data/lloc: 24/02/2015 13:10 - Sala de Graus

On the bosonic nature of business opportunities

Ponent: Dr. Giulio Bottazzi, professor d'Economia (i Degà) de la Facultat de Ciències Socials de la Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna a Pisa (Itàlia).

Data/lloc: 10/02/2015 13:10 - Sala de Graus

The earnings effect of bilingual education. Quasi-experimental evidence from a language of instruction reform

Ponent: Antonio di Paolo (UB)

Data/lloc: 02/12/2014 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Two-level cooperation in groups and the evolution of moral judgements

Ponent: Juan Perote (Universitat de Saragossa)

Data/lloc: 31/10/2014 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Employment Dynamics of Immigrants versus Natives: Evidence from the Boom-Bust Period in Spain, 2000-2011

Ponent: Raquel Carrasco (UC3M)

Data/lloc: 28/10/2014 13:15 - Sala de Graus

National or international public funding? Subsidies or loans? Evaluating the innovation impact of R&D support programmes

Ponent: Lourdes Moreno Martín (UCM)

Data/lloc: 08/10/2014 13:15 - Sala de Graus

The disapproval rule: a characterization

Ponent: Annick Laurelle (UPV)

Data/lloc: 01/10/2014 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Uncertain Information Structures and Backward Induction

Ponent: Peio Zuazo-Garin (BRiDGE Group, University of the Basque Country)

Data/lloc: 29/05/2014 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Strategic Choice of Sharing Rules in Collective Rent-Seeking and the Group Size Paradox

Ponent: Pau Balart (UC3M)

Data/lloc: 21/05/2014 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Heterogeneous Workers, Firm Dynamics and the Countercyclicality of Productivity

Ponent: Fakhraldin Zaveh (UAB)

Data/lloc: 19/05/2014 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Homeownership and Entrepreneurship

Ponent: Christian Hilber (London School of Economics)

Data/lloc: 29/04/2014 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Bank Characteristics and the Interbank Money Market: A Distributional Approach (with Burcu Kapar and Giulia Iori)

Ponent: José Olmo (University of Southampton)

Data/lloc: 10/04/2014 13:15 - Aula Mas Vila

Bargaining in weighted majority games: some counterintuitive results

Ponent: María Montero (University of Nottingham)

Data/lloc: 08/04/2014 13:15 - Aula Mas Vila

Connections matter: How personal network structure influences biomedical scientists' engagement in medical innovation

Ponent: Pablo D'Este (CSIC-UPV)

Data/lloc: 01/04/2014 13:15 - Sala de Graus

On Women’s Underperformance in Competitive Environments: When and Why

Ponent: Pedro Rey (UB)

Data/lloc: 18/03/2014 13:15 - Sala de Graus

A Politico-Economic Model of Public Expenditure and Income Taxation

Ponent: Joan Esteban (CSIC)

Data/lloc: 04/03/2014 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Product market regulation and innovation efficiency

Ponent: Fabio Pieri (UV)

Data/lloc: 03/03/2014 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Partial Decentralization as a Way to Avoid Secessionist Conflict

Ponent: Sabine Flamand (UAB)

Data/lloc: 26/02/2014 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Job Loss at Home: Children's Grades during the Great Recession in Spain

Ponent: Jenifer Ruiz-Valenzuela (EUI)

Data/lloc: 21/02/2014 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Inventor Diasporas and the Internationalization of Technology

Ponent: Ernest Miguélez (UB)

Data/lloc: 19/02/2014 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Mortgage Amortization and Welfare

Ponent: Chiara Forlati (UPF)

Data/lloc: 17/02/2014 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Competition and the Hold-Up Problem: a Setting with Non-exclusive Contracts

Ponent: Guillem Roig (Toulouse School of Economics)

Data/lloc: 12/02/2014 13:15 - Sala de Graus

The Value of Information with an Endogenous Public Signal

Ponent: Anna Bayona (IESE)

Data/lloc: 07/02/2014 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Hours worked - Productivity puzzle: identification in fractional integration settings

Ponent: Yuliya Lovcha (UA)

Data/lloc: 05/02/2014 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Rationing problems with payoff thresholds

Ponent: Josep M. Izquierdo (UB)

Data/lloc: 04/02/2014 13:15 - Sala de Graus

'Are results from Non-Hypothetical Choice-Based Conjoint Analyses and Non-Hypothetical Recoded Ranking Conjoint similar?'.

Ponent: José Maria Gil (UPC/CREDA)

Data/lloc: 10/12/2013 17:15 - Sala de Graus

The Effect of Aspirations, Habits, and Social Security on the Distribution of Wealth

Ponent: Jordi Caballé (UAB)

Data/lloc: 26/11/2013 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Pro…ting from Innovation: Firm Level Evidence on Markups

Ponent: Bruno Cassiman (IESE)

Data/lloc: 12/11/2013 13:15 - Sala de Graus

The SD-prenucleolus for TU agmes: Definition, properties and applications

Ponent: Javier Arín (Euskal Herriko Unibersitatea)

Data/lloc: 29/10/2013 13:15 - Aula 08

Strategic Trade Liberalization

Ponent: Dr. Jo Van Biesebroeck, University of Leuven i investigador del Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR)

Data/lloc: 16/10/2013 12:00 - Sala de Graus

Documents adjunts:  Strategic Trade Liberalization

Allocating via Priorities

Ponent: Dr. José Alcalde, (UA)

Data/lloc: 07/10/2013 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Do Exchange Rates Really Help Forecasting Commodity Prices?

Ponent: Dr. Pablo Rovira (Katholike Universiteit Leuven)

Data/lloc: 01/10/2013 13:15 - Sala de Graus

European Integration: Partisan Motives or Economic Bene

Ponent: Patricia Esteve González

Data/lloc: 26/09/2013 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Are joint patents Collusive? Evidence from the US and Europe

Ponent: Dr. Christian Helmers (Universidad Carlos III Madrid), London Shcool of Economics, University of California

Data/lloc: 16/09/2013 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Competition and the Hold-Up Problem: a Setting with Non-exclusive Contracts

Ponent: Guillem Roig (Toulouse School of Economics)

Data/lloc: 26/06/2013 13:15 - Sala de Graus

On the Comparison of Group Performance with Categorical Data

Ponent: Carmen Herrero (Univ. Alicante)

Data/lloc: 19/06/2013 15:15 - Sala de Graus

Is money all? Financing versus knowledge and demand constraints to innovation

Ponent: Maria Savona (University of Sussex - SPRU)

Data/lloc: 12/06/2013 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Documents adjunts: Is money all?

Product market regulation and innovation efficiency

Ponent: Fabio Pieri (Universidad de Valencia)

Data/lloc: 05/06/2013 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Alike in Many Ways: Intergenerational and Sibling Correlations of Brothers’ Earnings

Ponent: Lorenzo Cappellari (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore)

Data/lloc: 29/05/2013 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Ecosystem-based Marine Spatial Management in the Basque Country: linking human activities, biodiversity valuation and ecosystem services in supporting European Directives implementation

Ponent: Marta Pascual (BC3 Klima Aldaketa Ikergai)

Data/lloc: 15/05/2013 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Strategic choices for redistribution and the veil of ignorance: Theory and experimental evidence

Ponent: Anke Gerber (University of Hamburg)

Data/lloc: 08/05/2013 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Microcredit and Price Competition: standardize to differentiate

Ponent: Paolo Cassini (Katholiek Universitaet Leuven)

Data/lloc: 24/04/2013 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Extending the Nash Solution to Choice Problems with Reference Points

Ponent: José Manuel Zarzuelo (Univ. País Vasco)

Data/lloc: 17/04/2013 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Lectura tesis doctoral

Lectura de la tesi: "Essays on Financial Contagion"

Doctorand: Jilber Urbina

Data: 05-12-2013

Hora i lloc: 11:00 a la Sala de Graus

Lectura tesis doctoral

Lectura de la tesi: "Essays on Human Capital"

Doctorand: Jessica Perez

Data: 20-11-2013

Hora i lloc: 12:00 a la Sala de Graus

Lectura tesis doctoral

Lectura de la tesi: "La imputación múltiple y su aplicación a series temporales financieras"

Doctorand: Sebastian Cano

Data: 19-11-2013

Hora i lloc: 12:00 a la Sala de Graus

Lectura tesis doctoral

Lectura de la tesi: "The international distribution of the ecological footprint: an empirical approach"

Doctorand: Jordi Teixidó

Data: 09-10-2013

Hora i lloc: 11:00 a la Sala de Graus

Lectura tesis doctoral

Lectura de la tesi: "La separació de funcions de compra i provisió pública: efectes del poder de mercat sobre l'eficiència dins el sistema sanitari català"

Doctorand: Aleix Gregori Gomis

Data: 31-01-2013

Hora i lloc: 12:00h a la Sala de Graus

Lectura tesis doctoral

Lectura de la tesi: “Essays on Public Procurements”

Doctorand: Patrícia Esteve

Data: 08-10-2013

Hora i lloc: 11:00 a la Sala de Graus

Meritocracy, Egalitarianism and the Stability of Majoritarian Organizations

Ponent: Salvador Barberà (UAB)

Data/lloc: 20/03/2013 13:15 - Sala de Graus

On the effect of prospective payment on hospital efficiency in Germany

Ponent: Helmut Herwartz (CAU)

Data/lloc: 13/03/2013 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Sharing costs or sharing benefits?

Ponent: Miguel Ginés (Univ. Jaume I)

Data/lloc: 06/03/2013 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Innovation contests

Ponent: David Pérez-Castrillo de la UAB

Data/lloc: 27/02/2013 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Documents adjunts: Innovation contests

The consistent measurement of the achievement and the shortfall inequality

Ponent: Casilda Lasso de la Vega Martínez

Data/lloc: 13/02/2013 13:15 - Sala de Graus

The determinants of Urban (Un)Employement Duration: Evidence from Barcelona

Ponent: Catalina Jordi Amorós i Miquel Manjón Antolín

Data/lloc: 30/01/2013 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Is there a disparate treatment in mortgage pricing between immigrants and natives in the Spanish lending market?

Ponent: Luis Diaz-Serrano

Data/lloc: 23/01/2013 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Documents adjunts: Mortgage pricing between...

Education and Risk: a survey

Ponent: Joop Hartog (Universitat d'Amsterdam)

Data/lloc: 18/12/2012 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Documents adjunts: Eduacation and Risk a survey

A model for internal and external competition in the HSR lines: an application to Spain.

Ponent: Rafael Moner (Universitat de València)

Data/lloc: 10/12/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Timing of Technology Adoption in Vertically Related Industries

Ponent: Emmanuel Petrakis

Data/lloc: 27/11/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Collusion through Joint R&D: An Empirical Assessment

Ponent: Jo Seldeslachts (University of Amsterdam & KU Leuven)

Data/lloc: 21/11/2012 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Does Complexity Explain the Structure of Trade?

Ponent: Francisco Requena-Silvente (Universidad de Valencia)

Data/lloc: 16/11/2012 13:10 - Aula Mas Vila

The assignment game: core and stable sets

Ponent: Marina Nuñez Oliva (UB)

Data/lloc: 31/10/2012 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Lectura tesis doctoral

Lectura de la tesi: "Essays on Firm R&D Strategies and Market Design"

Doctorand: Olga Slivko

Data: 25-10-2012

Hora i lloc: 11:00 a la Sala de Graus

Contagion vs Interdependence: A MIDAS DCC approach

Ponent: Jilber Andrés Urbina Calero

Data/lloc: 24/10/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Affirmative Action through an Extra Prize and the Partial Exclusion Principle

Ponent: Patricia Esteve González

Data/lloc: 17/10/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Lectura tesis doctoral

Data/lloc: 11/10/2012 10:00 - Sala de Graus

Lectura de la tesi: "Innovación, frontera tecnológica y capacidad absortiva: el papel de las externalidades del conocimiento"

Doctorand: Verònica Gombau Bertomeu

Data: 11-10-2012

Hora i lloc: 12:00 a la Sala de Graus

International Ecological Footprint Inequality: First results on a Regression-Based Decomposition

Ponent: Jordi Josep Teixidó Figueras

Data/lloc: 10/10/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

How recent failure affects future enterpreneurs?

Ponent: Judit Albiol Sánchez

Data/lloc: 03/10/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Lectura tesis doctoral

Data/lloc: 02/10/2012 11:00 - Sala de Graus

Lectura de la tesi: "Estudios empíricos sobre la industria de los ordenadores personales"

Doctorand: Mariela Roxana Fucks Aguilar

Data: 02-10-2012

Hora i lloc: 11:00 a la Sala de Graus

A proportional approach to claims problems with a guaranteed minimum.

Ponent: José Manuel Giménez-Gómez

Data/lloc: 27/06/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

On the effect of collusion on domestic and international research joint ventures

Ponent: Guiomar Ibañez Zarate

Data/lloc: 26/06/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Optimal Selling Mechanism in a Repeated Game under Imperfect Commitment

Ponent: Juan Ignacio Beccuti Vázquez (UC3M)

Data/lloc: 25/06/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Decentralization as a Way to Avoid Secessionist Conflict: the Case of Interregional Inequality

Ponent: Sabine Flamand (UAB)

Data/lloc: 22/06/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Strategic sharing of a costly network

Ponent: Peris, Josep E.

Data/lloc: 20/06/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Do more educated leaders lead to more educated citizens?

Ponent: Jessica Helen Pérez Reynosa

Data/lloc: 19/06/2012 13:10 - Aula 08

Genetic testing with primary prevention and moral hazard

Ponent: Philippe De Donder

Data/lloc: 07/06/2012 13:10 - Aula 08

Strategy-proofness and Equal-cost Sharing for a Binary Excludable Public Good with Fixed Cost

Ponent: Jordi Massó (UAB)

Data/lloc: 15/05/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Welfare and geographic entry policies

Ponent: Joan-Ramon Borrell Arqué (UB)

Data/lloc: 08/05/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Winning Big but Feeling No Better? The Effect of Lottery Prizes on Physical and Mental Health

Ponent: Andrew Clark(PSE)

Data/lloc: 24/04/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Strategic campaigning with vote and turnout buying: theory and evidence

Ponent: Agustin Casas (EUI)

Data/lloc: 17/04/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Smooth & Nonparametric Filtering for Likelihood Inference in Dynamic Latent Variables Models

Ponent: Christian Brownlees

Data/lloc: 27/03/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Regional labor demand and national labor market institutions in Europe

Ponent: Helmut Herwart

Data/lloc: 15/03/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Golden Rules for Wages

Ponent: Hernando Zuleta (UPF)

Data/lloc: 08/03/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Business Cycles and investment in intangibles: Evidence from Spanish firms

Ponent: Paloma López-García

Data/lloc: 06/03/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus


Wage effects from changes in local human capital in Britain

Ponent: Ioannis Kaplanis

Data/lloc: 01/03/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Random or referral hiring: when social connections matter

Ponent: Catia Nicodemo (UAB)

Data/lloc: 23/02/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Misclassification of the Dependent Variable in a Debt-Repayment Behavior Context

Ponent: Carlos Aller (Universidad de Alicante)

Data/lloc: 21/02/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

A fractionally integrated approach to monetary policy and inflation dynamics

Ponent: Alejandro Pérez-Laborda (Universidad de Alicante)

Data/lloc: 16/02/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Knowledge of Catalan, public/private sector choice and earnings: Evidence from a double sample selection model

Ponent: Antonio Di Paolo

Data/lloc: 14/02/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

The effect of a child when family planning may fail

Ponent: Pablo Lavado(CEMFI)

Data/lloc: 07/02/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Vertical Aspects of sub-national Deficits: The Impact of Fiscal Rules and Tax Autonomy in European Countries

Ponent: Dirk Foremny (BONN)

Data/lloc: 02/02/2012 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Selection in initial and return migration: Evidence from moves across Spanish cities

Ponent: Jorge de la Roca (CEMFI)

Data/lloc: 31/01/2012 13:30 - Sala de Graus

Cronyism in Business, Public Sector and Politics

Ponent: Galina Zudenkova

Data/lloc: 26/01/2012 13:30 - Sala de Graus

Time Effects in Repeated Games

Ponent: Antonio Osorio (Dep. Economia de la URV)

Data/lloc: 19/12/2011 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Fostering academic research: evidence from a public program

Ponent: Rocio Sánchez (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid)

Data/lloc: 12/12/2011 13:10 - Sala de Graus

A Job Interview Game: Some Adverse Effects of Competition

Ponent: Rune Midjord (Universidad del Pais Vasco).

Data/lloc: 28/11/2011 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Local human capital and its impact on local employment chances in Britain

Ponent: Ioannis Kaplanis (becari postdoctoral del QURE)

Data/lloc: 09/11/2011 13:10 - Aula 08

Self-Fulfilling Crises with Default and Devaluation

Ponent: Jose María Da-Rocha (Universidad de Vigo)

Data/lloc: 24/10/2011 13:10 - Sala de Graus

An axiomatic characterization of the nucleolus of the assignment game.

Ponent: Paco Llerena (Universitat Rovira i Virgili)

Data/lloc: 18/10/2011 13:10 - Aula A.08

Bankruptcy problems with legitimate principles

Ponent: José Manuel Jiménez-Gómez (post-doc del GRODE)

Data/lloc: 17/10/2011 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Pareto-optimality in Linear Public Goods Games

Ponent: Michael Pickhardt (Institute of Economics at the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus)

Data/lloc: 03/10/2011 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Measurament Quality in Indicators of Compositions. A Compositional Multitrait-Multimethod Approach.

Ponent: Germà Coenders (Universitat de Girona)

Data/lloc: 20/09/2011 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Las políticas de apoyo a la internalización de las empresas.

Ponent: Rafael Myro (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

Data/lloc: 19/07/2011 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Growth paths and survival chances: an analysis of entrepreneur's bank accounts

Ponent: Alexander Coad (Max Planck Institute of Economics, Germany)

Data/lloc: 05/07/2011 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Estimación de la demanda de los PCs considerando segmentos heterogéneos en países heterogéneos

Ponent: Mariela Fuks (Universitat Rovira i Virgili)

Data/lloc: 28/06/2011 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Determinants of decentralization in the firm: empirical evidence from Catalonian SME's

Ponent: Jessica Pérez (Universitat Rovira i Virgili)

Data/lloc: 14/06/2011 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Contagion or interdependence? An application to the stock markets

Ponent: Jilber Urbina (Universitat Rovira i Virgili)

Data/lloc: 07/06/2011 13:10 - Sala de Graus

World distributional problems with the Ecological Footprint: concepts, methods and first results

Ponent: Jordi Teixidó (Universitat Rovira i Virgili)

Data/lloc: 31/05/2011 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Repeated Public Contests can solve Moral Hazard Problems

Ponent: Patricia Esteve (Universitat Rovira i Virgili)

Data/lloc: 24/05/2011 13:10 - Sala de Graus

La crisis financiera global: una mirada sobre su efecto en la deuda pública de algunas economías europeas.

Ponent: Jorge Pazzi (Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina)

Data/lloc: 10/05/2011 16:00 - Aula A1.6 FCEE


Conference on economic development

Ponent: Xavier Sala-i-Martín (Columbia University, Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

Data/lloc: 05/05/2011 13:10 - Sala d'Actes

Aggregate real exchange rate persistence through the lens of sectoral data

Ponent: Maria Dolores Gadea (Universidad de Zaragoza)

Data/lloc: 03/05/2011 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Innovation or imitation? The effect of spillovers and competitive pressure on firms' R&D strategy choice

Ponent: Olga Slivko (Universitat Rovira i Virgili)

Data/lloc: 29/04/2011 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Predicting simultaneous recessions using yield spreads

Ponent: Charlotte Christiansen (Aarhus University, Dinamarca)

Data/lloc: 27/04/2011 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Candidate quality in a Downsian Model with a continuous policy space

Ponent: Enriqueta Aragonès (Institut d'Anàlisi Econòmica, CSIC)

Data/lloc: 05/04/2011 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Differentiation in the tourist sector: an evolutionary analysis

Ponent: Maria Dolores Garcia Pérez (Investigadora postdoctoral a la URV, inscrita al GRIT)

Data/lloc: 31/03/2011 13:10 - Sala de Graus

The effect of Medicaid on Children's Health: A Regression Discontinuity Approach

Ponent: Dolores de la Mata (Universitat Carlos III)

Data/lloc: 30/03/2011 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Rethinking Economy-Wide Rebound Measures: An Unbiased Proposal

Ponent: Ana Isabel Guerra Hernandez (Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla)

Data/lloc: 28/03/2011 12:30 - Sala de Graus

On housing booms and credit market conditions: A non-linear dynamic asset pricing model

Ponent: Helmut Herwartz

Data/lloc: 15/03/2011 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Head taxes vs income taxes in a Tiebout model with crowding types

Ponent: Francisco Martinez Mora

Data/lloc: 03/03/2011 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Minimizing errors, maximizing incentives: Optimal Court Decisions and the Quality of Evidence

Ponent: Juanjo Ganuza

Data/lloc: 22/02/2011 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Immigration, Conflict and Distribution

Ponent: Santiago Sanchez-Pages (UB)

Data/lloc: 08/02/2011 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Spatial location patterns of Spanish manufacturing firms

Ponent: Marta Roig

Data/lloc: 26/01/2011 12:30 - Sala de Graus

Public Expenditure Distribution, Voting, and Growth

Ponent: Lorenzo Burlon

Data/lloc: 25/01/2011 12:30 - Sala de Graus

The Increase in College Premium and the Decline of College Wages: a Signaling Story

Ponent: Pau Balart

Data/lloc: 24/01/2011 12:30 - Sala de Graus

Summability of Stochastic Processes. A Generalization of Integration and Co-Integration valid for Non-linear Processes

Ponent: Vanessa Berenguer-Rico

Data/lloc: 21/01/2011 12:30 - Sala de Graus

Longevity, Genes and Exports: An Optimal Taxation Approach to Prevention

Ponent: Marie-Louise Leroux

Data/lloc: 17/01/2011 12:30 - Sala de Graus

Immigration, Wages, and Education: A Labor Market Equilibrium Structural Model

Ponent: Joan Llull

Data/lloc: 13/01/2011 12:30 - Sala de Graus

The Employment Effect of Increasing Disability Benefits: A Regression Discontinuity Approach

Ponent: Judit Vall castello

Data/lloc: 12/01/2011 12:30 - Sala de Graus

Long-Term Impact of Youth Minimum Wages: Evidence from Two Decades of Individual Longitudinal Data

Ponent: Ana Cardoso (IAE)

Data/lloc: 02/12/2010 13:10 - Sala de Graus

On the joint production of research and formation

Ponent: Inés Macho-Stadler (UAB)

Data/lloc: 19/11/2010 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Political Competition in Hard Times

Ponent: Grupo de recerca GRODE (Galina Zudenkova)

Data/lloc: 11/11/2010 13:10 - Aula A.07

Evolutionarily stable aggressiviness in heterogenous populations

Ponent: Annick Laruelle

Data/lloc: 02/11/2010 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Logistics multinationals and firm heterogeneity: a matching estimator approach

Ponent: Ilaria Mariotti (Politecnico di Milano)

Data/lloc: 19/10/2010 13:10 - Sala de Graus

How Do Young Innovative Companies Innovate?

Ponent: Marco Vivarelli (Catholic University of Milano)

Data/lloc: 05/10/2010 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Two-Tier Labor Markets in the Great Recession: France vs. Spain

Ponent: Juan Dolado

Data/lloc: 28/09/2010 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Do unidirectional trade agreements increase exports from the developing world to richer countries?

Ponent: Rafael Llorca Vivero (UV)

Data/lloc: 14/09/2010 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Imitation or Innovation? The effect of spillovers and competitive pressure on a firm choice of R&D strategy

Ponent: Olga Slivko

Data/lloc: 22/06/2010 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Estimación de la demanda de PCs: consumidores heterogéneos en países heterogéneos

Ponent: Mariela Roxana Fuks Aguilar

Data/lloc: 17/06/2010 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Effect of low-cost airlines on tourism in Spain. A dynamic panel data model

Ponent: Belén Rey Legidos (UCM)

Data/lloc: 15/06/2010 13:10 - Sala de Graus

A directed search model of ranking by unemployment duration

Ponent: Javier Fernández Blanco (Universidad Carlos III)

Data/lloc: 02/06/2010 13:10 - Sala de Graus

The wolf under sheep's clothing. Evidence from partially deregulating pharmacy entry

Ponent: Joan-Ramon Borrell (UB)

Data/lloc: 18/05/2010 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Foreign vs. domestic outsourcing, FDI and productivity: a production function approach

Ponent: José Carlos Fariñas García (UCM)

Data/lloc: 11/05/2010 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Gender gap index in Spain by regions

Ponent: Teresa Corbella Domènech

Data/lloc: 04/05/2010 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Flexibility in trade bloc design

Ponent: Mark Melatos (University of Sydney)

Data/lloc: 27/04/2010 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Market design and investment incentives

Ponent: María Ángeles de Frutos (Universidad Carlos III)

Data/lloc: 20/04/2010 13:10 - Sala de Graus

A bidding mechanism for affirmative action

Ponent: Matthias Dahm

Data/lloc: 13/04/2010 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Endogenous timing in the serial contest

Ponent: Mabel Mariel Ficosecco (URV)

Data/lloc: 06/04/2010 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Summability of Stochastic Processes. A Generalization of Integration and Co-Integration valid for Non-linear Processes

Ponent: Jesús Gonzalo (Universidad Carlos III)

Data/lloc: 23/03/2010 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Causal inference by independent component analysis: applications to time-series economic data

Ponent: Alexander Coad (Max Planck Institute of Economics)

Data/lloc: 16/03/2010 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Information dispersion and equilibrium multiplicity

Ponent: Carolina Manzano Tovar (URV)

Data/lloc: 09/03/2010 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Repeated interation and the revelation of player's type: a principal-monitor-agent problem

Ponent: Antonio Miguel Osório Costa (Universidad Carlos III)

Data/lloc: 25/02/2010 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Split-ticket voting: an implicit incentive approach

Ponent: Galina Zudenkova (Universidad Carlos III)

Data/lloc: 23/02/2010 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Parenting style and the development of human capital in children

Ponent: Marco Cosconati (University of Pennsylvania)

Data/lloc: 18/02/2010 13:10 - Sala de Graus

The effect of product market competition on job instability

Ponent: Ainhoa Aparicio Fenoll (UPF)

Data/lloc: 16/02/2010 13:13 - Sala de Graus

Intertemporal substitution or reference-dependent preferences? Evidence from daily labor supply of south indian boat-owners

Ponent: Marian Vidal-Fernandez (Boston University)

Data/lloc: 11/02/2010 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Games of capacities: a (close) look to Nash equilibria

Ponent: Antonio Romero-Medina (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)

Data/lloc: 09/02/2010 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Análisis económico de los abusos de posición de dominio

Ponent: Juan Delgado Urdanibia (Comisión Nacional de la Competencia)

Data/lloc: 04/02/2010 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Spot the volatility: the break preserving local linear estimator

Ponent: Isabel Casas (Aarhus University)

Data/lloc: 26/01/2010 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Entrepreneurship and the crisis

Ponent: Roy Thurik (Erasmus University Rotterdam)

Data/lloc: 22/01/2010 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Medición de la productividad. La experiencia del proyecto EU KLEMS

Ponent: Matilde Mas (UV)

Data/lloc: 01/12/2009 13:10 - Aula 2.2

Does internationalization alter the R&D-productivity relationship?

Ponent: Miguel Manjón Antolín (URV)

Data/lloc: 24/11/2009 13:10 - Aula 2.2

The new growth model: how and with whom

Ponent: Sergi Jiménez-Martín (UPF)

Data/lloc: 17/11/2009 13:10 - Aula 2.2

Imperfect competition in the fresh tomato industry

Ponent: Xosé Luís Varela-Irimia (URV)

Data/lloc: 10/11/2009 13:10 - Aula 2.2

Transitional dynamics in an endogenous growth model with heterogeneous consumption goods

Ponent: Jaime Alonso-Carrera (Universidade de Vigo)

Data/lloc: 03/11/2009 13:10 - Aula 2.2

Modelling conditional correlations using semi-parametric models

Ponent: Nektarios Aslanidis

Data/lloc: 20/10/2009 13:10 - Aula 2.2

Oligopolistic equilibrium and bankruptcy

Ponent: Luis Corchón (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)

Data/lloc: 06/10/2009 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Delocation in the manufacturing sectors in the EU. A regional overview” (joint with M.E. Álvarez and J. Vega)

Ponent: Rafa Myro (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

Data/lloc: 31/07/2009 13:10 - Aula 0.7

El mètode del cost del viatge. Aplicació al Parc Natural del delta de l'Ebre

Ponent: Francesc Xaver Farré

Data/lloc: 09/07/2009 13:10 - Aula 0.6

Inter-group conflict and intra-group punishment in an experimental contest game” (joint with Klaus Abbink, Benedikt Herrmann and Henrik Orzen)

Ponent: Jordi Brandts (UAB)

Data/lloc: 04/06/2009 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Una anàlisi comparativa entre la cadena de valor del porcí: Manitoba-Catalunya

Ponent: Maria Victoria Soldevila Lafon

Data/lloc: 28/05/2009 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Métodos de estimación con datos de panel

Ponent: Vassilis Sarafidis (University of Sydney)

Data/lloc: 18/05/2009 15:30 - Aula 07

Discrimination against immigrants in the Spanish rental market. Evidence from field experiments” (joint with Mariano Bosch and Lídia Farré)

Ponent: Ángeles Carnero (Universitat d'Alacant)

Data/lloc: 30/04/2009 13:10 - Sala de Graus

On the profitability and welfare effects of downstream mergers" (joint with Ramon Faulí)

Ponent: Joel Sandonís (Universidad de Alicante)

Data/lloc: 24/04/2009 15:30 - Sala de Graus

Competition downstream and welfare

Ponent: Joel Sandonís (Universidad de Alicante)

Data/lloc: 24/04/2009 11:00 - Aula 07

The Return of the Wage Phillips Curve

Ponent: Jordi Galí (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

Data/lloc: 15/04/2009 13:10 - Sala de Graus

International R&D spillovers and manufacturing productivity: A panel data analysis

Ponent: Jaime Sanaú (Universidad de Zaragoza)

Data/lloc: 03/04/2009 13:10 - Sala de Graus

The role of segregation and pay structure on the gender wape gap: evidence from matched employer-employee data for Spain

Ponent: Sara de la Rica (UPV)

Data/lloc: 27/03/2009 12:00 - Sala 07

Gender and the Labour Market. Wage Discrimination

Ponent: Sara de la Rica (UPV)

Data/lloc: 27/03/2009 09:00 - Sala 07

The social responsability of multinational companies: the effect of stakeholder pressures on affiliated firms' social behavior" (joint with Jordi Surroca)

Ponent: Josep Tribó (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)

Data/lloc: 19/03/2009 13:10 - Sala de Graus

La imputación múltiple: un nuevo enfoque para su correcta aplicación a las series temporales

Ponent: Sebastián Cano (URV)

Data/lloc: 12/03/2009 13:10 - Sala de Graus

From partial allocation rules to priority order allocation rules

Ponent: Mabel Mariel Ficosecco

Data/lloc: 05/03/2009 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Regional Heterogeneity in Wage Distributions. Evidence from Spain" (joint with E. Motellón and M. El-Attar)

Ponent: Enrique López-Bazo (UB)

Data/lloc: 27/02/2009 15:30 - Sala de Graus

Diferencias salariales y su impacto en los rendimientos de capital humano a nivel regional

Ponent: Enrique López-Bazo (UB)

Data/lloc: 27/02/2009 11:00 - Sala 07

Economic geography and international equality: the role of governance

Ponent: Marta Felis-Rota (LSE)

Data/lloc: 26/02/2009 13:10 - Sala de Graus

Social Housing Magnets: New Immigrants' Location Choice in France

Ponent: Gregory Verdugo

Data/lloc: 19/02/2009 13:10 - Sala de graus

Entry costs and economies of scope in multiproduct fims' decisions

Ponent: Xosé-Luís Varela Irimia

Data/lloc: 10/02/2009 13:10 - Sala de graus

Consequences of an aging population: need for care by elderly parents, care provision and women's hours worked in the labor market

Ponent: Jennifer Graves (University of California-Irvine)

Data/lloc: 04/02/2009 13:10 - Sala de graus

Partnerships in pre-competitive agreements" (joint with Rosella Nicolini)

Ponent: Xavier Martínez-Giralt (UAB)

Data/lloc: 29/01/2009 13:00 - Sala de graus

How well are workers rewarded fot their generic competences? An investigation of core employees, supervisors and managers in catalan firms

Ponent: Ferran Mañé Vernet

Data/lloc: 22/01/2009 13:00 - Sala de graus

Testing estimates of the underground economy: a note on methodology

Ponent: Jordi Sardà Pons

Data/lloc: 18/12/2008 13:00 - Sala de Graus

Internal and external determinants of radical and incremental innovation in SMEs: the case of Catalonia (joint with Alessandra Faggian and Ferran Mañé)

Ponent: Josep-Maria Arauzo-Carod

Data/lloc: 11/12/2008 13:00 - Sala de Graus

Spatial skill heterogeneity and growth: an agent-based policy analysis

Ponent: Michael Neugart (Free University of Bozen/Bolzano)

Data/lloc: 04/12/2008 13:00 - Sala de Graus

Decentralization and bargaining

Ponent: Bernd Theilen

Data/lloc: 27/11/2008 13:00 - Sala de Graus

Employee involvement, computers and job tasks

Ponent: Francis Green (University of Kent)

Data/lloc: 20/11/2008 13:00 - Sala de Graus

Risk attitude and wage growth: replication and reconstruction” (joint with S. Budria and A. Ferrer i Carbonell)

Ponent: Joop Hartog (University of Amsterdam)

Data/lloc: 13/11/2008 13:00 - Sala de Graus

Codes of Best Practice under competitive markets " (joint with David Pérez-Castrillo)

Ponent: Eduard Alonso Paulí (Universidad Pablo de Olavide)

Data/lloc: 06/11/2008 13:00 - Sala de Graus

The effect of labor market rigidities on firms' R&D behavior

Ponent: Joaquín Artés Caselles (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

Data/lloc: 23/10/2008 13:00 - Sala de Graus

All-pay auction equilibria in contests (joint with José Alcalde)

Ponent: Matthias Dahm

Data/lloc: 16/10/2008 13:00 - Sala de Graus

Nuevas técnicas para el análisis económico aplicado: SBA y SIG" (SBA: Simulación Basada en Agentes, SIG: Sistemas de Información Geográfica)

Ponent: Federico Pablo Martín (Universidad de Alcalá)

Data/lloc: 09/10/2008 13:00 - Sala de Graus

The cost of contract renegotiation in French urban transport systems (amb Philippe Gagnepain i David Martimort)

Ponent: Marc Ivaldi (Unviersité Toulouse 1)

Data/lloc: 30/09/2008 11:00 - Sala de Graus

Mètodes empírics de l'Organització Industrial

Ponent: Marc Ivaldi

Data/lloc: 29/09/2008 11:00 - Sala de Graus

Distance to Frontier and appropriate business strategy

Ponent: Alex Coad (Max Planck Institute of Economics)

Data/lloc: 04/09/2008 13:00 - Sala de Graus

Task specialization, immigration and wages (joint with Chad Sparber)

Ponent: Giovanni Peri (UC-Davis)

Data/lloc: 19/06/2008 15:30 - Aula Magna

The economics of international migration: facts and issues

Ponent: Giovanni Peri (UC-Davis)

Data/lloc: 19/06/2008 11:00 - Aula Magna

Innovació i districtes industrials

Ponent: Rafael Boix Domènech (UAB)

Data/lloc: 10/06/2008 12:00 - Sala de Graus

Industrial location: a spatial approach

Ponent: Daniel Liviano Solís

Data/lloc: 05/06/2008 12:00 - Sala de Graus

Foreign direct inversment and regional growth: an analysis of the Spanish case

Ponent: Oscar Bajo Rubio (U. Castilla La Mancha)

Data/lloc: 29/05/2008 15:30 - Sala de Graus

Globalització i creixement econòmic

Ponent: Oscar Bajo Rubio (U. Castilla La Mancha)

Data/lloc: 29/05/2008 12:00 - Sala de Graus

Trade and capital flows: a financial frictions perspective

Ponent: Pol Antràs (Harvard University)

Data/lloc: 25/05/2008 12:00 - Sala de Graus

Productividad de las pimes catalanas: cuándo y cómo la organización del trabajo complementa la innovación en proceso

Ponent: Maria Teresa Fibla Gasparin

Data/lloc: 15/05/2008 12:00 - Sala de Graus

Economic impact of alternative policies implemented on the energy activities: an input-output analysis for Catalonia

Ponent: Laia Pié Dols

Data/lloc: 24/04/2008 12:00 - Sala de Graus

La cooperativa, una empresa democràtica per a tothom

Ponent: Lluís Carreras Roig

Data/lloc: 16/04/2008 18:00 - Sala de Graus

Finance and growth

Ponent: Antonio Ciccone (UPF)

Data/lloc: 09/04/2008 15:30 - Sala de Graus

Entry, regulation and growth

Ponent: Antonio Ciccone (UPF)

Data/lloc: 09/04/2008 12:00 - Sala de Graus

An investigation on the pay-off to generic competences for core employees in Catalan manufacturing firms

Ponent: Daniel Miravet Arnau

Data/lloc: 13/03/2008 12:00 - Sala de Graus

Situación actual y perspectivas de futuro para la modelización económica sectorial

Ponent: Javier Ferri (U. València)

Data/lloc: 28/02/2008 15:30 - Sala de Graus

Efectos macroeconómicos de la inmigración: simulaciones con REMS

Ponent: Javier Ferri (U. València)

Data/lloc: 28/02/2008 12:00 - Sala de Graus

Advertising and consumer awareness of a new product

Ponent: Alicia Barroso (CEMFI)

Data/lloc: 22/02/2008 12:00 - Sala de Graus

Service offshoring and white-collar employment

Ponent: Rosario Crino (U. Bocconi)

Data/lloc: 19/02/2008 12:00 - Sala de Graus

The organizational learning of complementary R&D strategies: evidence for the Spanish manufacturing firms

Ponent: Abel Lucena (UPF)

Data/lloc: 13/02/2008 12:00 - Sala de Graus

What works best for getting the unemployed back to work? Employment services or small business assistance programs. Evidence from Romania

Ponent: Núria Rodríguez (UAB)

Data/lloc: 31/01/2008 12:00 - Sala de Graus

Una forma de medir la incertidumbre provocada por los valores no disponibles en una base de datos: la imputación multiple

Ponent: Sebastián Cano Berlanga

Data/lloc: 17/01/2008 12:00 - Sala de Graus

Triggering competition in the Spanish airline market: the role of airport capacity and low cost carriers

Ponent: Xavier Fageda (UB)

Data/lloc: 13/12/2007 10:00 - Sala de Graus

Trade and Migration: a U-Shaped Transition in Eastern Europe

Ponent: Adolfo Cristobal

Data/lloc: 26/06/2007 15:30 - Aula Magna

The Economics of Invesment in Clinical Trials

Ponent: Paula González

Data/lloc: 15/06/2007 12:30 - aula 01

A non linear threshold model for the dependence of extremes of stationary sequence

Ponent: Óscar Martínez Ibáñez

Data/lloc: 08/06/2007 13:15 - Sala de Graus

Housing Satisfaction, Homeownership and Housing Mobility: A Panel Data Analysis for Twelve EU Countries

Ponent: Luis Diaz-Serrano

Data/lloc: 01/06/2007 12:30 - Sala de Graus

Document: PDF

Aplicació de conceptes de distribució a l'analisi mediambiental. Una línia de recerca fèrtil

Ponent: Juan Antonio Duro Moreno

Data/lloc: 28/05/2007 12:30 - Sala de Graus

Social Capital, Public Policy and Accountability

Ponent: Danilo Guaitoli

Data/lloc: 25/05/2007 13:15 - Sala de Graus

The demand for competencies: implications for the Educational System

Ponent: Daniel Miravet Arnau

Data/lloc: 11/05/2007 12:30 - Sala de Graus

Capital Humà i Productivitat en la Indústria Catalana

Ponent: Maria Teresa Fibla Gasparin

Data/lloc: 11/05/2007 12:30 - Sala de Graus

New Firm Formation and Dynamic Factor Demand: the Spanish Case

Ponent: Daniel Liviano Solís

Data/lloc: 30/04/2007 15:30 - Sala de Graus

Are specific skills an obstacle to labor market adjustment? Theory and an application to the EU Enlargement

Ponent: Julian Messina (UdG)

Data/lloc: 26/04/2007 12:00 - Sala de Graus

Endogenous structural change and dynamic in definite systems of equations

Ponent: Mario Eduardo Firmenich

Data/lloc: 20/04/2007 12:30 - Sala de Graus

Some Evidence that Women are More Mobile than Men: the case of Human Capital Migration in the UK

Ponent: Alessandra Faggian (University of Reading, UK)

Data/lloc: 28/03/2007 12:30 - Sala de Graus

Labor productivity in Europe. Evidence from a sample of regions

Ponent: Rosella Nicolini (IAE-CSIC, Barcelona)

Data/lloc: 21/03/2007 12:30 - Sala de Graus

Efectos del sistema financiero en la creación de empresas: un análisis aplicado a los municipios españoles

Ponent: Elisabet Viladecans (Universitat de Barcelona)

Data/lloc: 20/02/2007 12:30 - Sala de Graus

South Africa On-Call: Information Technology and Labour Restructuring in South African Call Centres

Ponent: Chris Benner (Penn State University, USA)

Data/lloc: 30/01/2007 12:30 - Sala de Graus

Calendari de seminaris