Documents de Treball

Workers cooperation within the firm: an analysis using small and medium size firms

Year: 2010

Reference: Document de treball nº -36- 2010

Author(s): Ricardo Flores-Fillol , Susana Iranzo Sancho and Ferran Mañé Vernet

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

Internal and External Determinants of Radical and incremental Innovation in SMEs: the case of Catalonia

Year: 2010

Reference: Document de treball nº -35- 2010

Author(s): Josep-Maria Arauzo-Carod , Alessandra Faggian and Ferran Mañé Vernet

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

Contextualizing the impact of work organization on employee satisfaction

Year: 2010

Reference: Document de treball nº -34- 2010

Author(s): Luis Diaz-Serrano and Ferran Mañé Vernet

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

Staffing strategies in SME’s: determinants of external recruitment and internal promotion

Year: 2010

Reference: Document de treball nº -33- 2010

Author(s): Maria Teresa Fibla Gasparin and Ferran Mañé Vernet

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

Productivity in southern European small firms: When and how work organization complements process innovation

Year: 2010

Reference: Document de treball nº -32- 2010

Author(s): Maria Teresa Fibla Gasparin and Ferran Mañé Vernet

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

Productivity and human capital: a business-level analysis

Year: 2010

Reference: Document de treball nº -31- 2010

Author(s): Maria Teresa Fibla Gasparin and Ferran Mañé Vernet

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

An investigation on the pay-off to generic competences for core employees in Catalan manufacturing firms

Year: 2010

Reference: Document de treball nº -30- 2010

Author(s): Ferran Mañé Vernet and Daniel Miravet Arnau

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

Sobreeducación y Sobrecualificación en los Universitarios Catalanes. Una perspectiva de género

Year: 2010

Reference: Document de treball nº -29- 2010

Author(s): Ferran Mañé Vernet and Daniel Miravet Arnau

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

El retorno a las competencias para los titulados universitarios catalanes

Year: 2010

Reference: Document de treball nº -28- 2010

Author(s): Ferran Mañé Vernet and Daniel Miravet Arnau

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

Environmental regulations in the hog farming sector: a comparison of Catalonia, Spain and Manitoba, Canada

Year: 2010

Reference: Document de treball nº-27-2010

Author(s): Doug Ramsey and Maria Victoria Soldevila Lafon

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

Pork value chains: a comparison of Catalonia, Spain and Manitoba, Canada

Year: 2010

Reference: Document de treball nº-26-2010

Author(s): Maria Victoria Soldevila Lafon , Doug Ramsey and Lourdes Viladomiu

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

Like milk or wine: does firm performance improve with age?

Year: 2010

Reference: Document de treball nº-25-2010

Author(s): Alex Coad , Agustí Segarra Blasco and Mercedes Teruel Carrizosa

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

Are small firms more sensitive to financial variables?

Year: 2010

Reference: Document de treball nº-24-2010

Author(s): Agustí Segarra Blasco and Mercedes Teruel Carrizosa

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

Signaling in dynamic contests: some impossibility results

Year: 2010

Reference: Document de treball nº-23-2010

Author(s): António Osório Costa

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

Repeated interaction and the revelation of the monitor's type: a principal-monitor-agent problem

Year: 2010

Reference: Document de treball nº-22-2010

Author(s): António Osório Costa

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

A political agency model of coattail voting

Year: 2010

Reference: Document de treball nº-21-2010

Author(s): Galina Zudenkova

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

On the automatic application of inequality indexes in the analysis of the international distribution of environmental indicators

Year: 2010

Reference: Document de treball nº-20-2010

Author(s): Juan Antonio Duro Moreno

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

Multinationals, R&D and productivity: evidence for UK manufactoring firms

Year: 2010

Reference: Document de treball nº-19-2010

Author(s): Dolores Añón Higón , Miquel Manjón Antolín and Juan A. Máñez

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

¿Obtienen las multinacionales mayores rendimientos de sus actividades de I+D?

Year: 2010

Reference: Document de treball nº-18-2010

Author(s): Dolores Añón Higón , Miquel Manjón Antolín and Juan A. Mañez

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

Technology, business models and network structure in the airline industry

Year: 2010

Reference: Document de treball nº-17-2010

Author(s): Xavier Fageda and Ricardo Flores-Fillol

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

Endogenous mergers of complements with mixed bundling

Year: 2010

Reference: Document de treball nº-16-2010

Author(s): Ricardo Flores-Fillol and Rafael Moner Colonques

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

Product differentiation, competitive pressure and the effects of innovation on the success and survivability of firms in oligopoly markets

Year: 2010

Reference: Document de treball nº-15-2010

Author(s): Bernd Theilen

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

Repeated agenda setting and the unanimous approval of bad policies

Year: 2010

Reference: Document de treball nº-14-2010

Author(s): Matthias Dahm and Amihai Glazer

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

Work, risk and health: differences between immigrants and natives in Spain

Year: 2010

Reference: Document de treball nº-13-2010

Author(s): Meritxell Solé , Luis Diaz-Serrano and Marisol Rodríguez

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

Linear Aggregation In The Social Accounting Matrix Framework

Year: 2010

Reference: Document de treball nº-12-2010

Author(s): Maria Llop Llop and Antonio Manresa

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

Structural decomposition analysis and input-output subsystems: An application to Spanish CO2 emissions

Year: 2010

Reference: Document de treball nº-11-2010

Author(s): Isabela Butnar and Maria Llop Llop

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

Sincere Lobby Formation

Year: 2010

Reference: Document de treball nº-10-2010

Author(s): Galina Zudenkova

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

Public and private learning from prices, strategic substitutability and complementarity, and equilibrium multiplicity

Year: 2010

Reference: Document de treball nº-9-2010

Author(s): Carolina Manzano Tovar and Xavier Vives

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

Sociedades cooperativas: mercantilizad y operaciones con terceros. Un comentario

Year: 2010

Reference: Document de treball nº-8-2010

Author(s): Lluís Carreras Roig

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

On the effect of the geographical scope of agglomeration economies on firm location

Year: 2010

Reference: Document de treball nº-7-2010

Author(s): Angel Alañón Pardo and Josep-Maria Arauzo-Carod

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

Spatial distribution of economic activities: an empirical approach using self-organizing maps

Year: 2010

Reference: Document de treball nº-6-2010

Author(s): Federico Pablo-Martí and Josep-Maria Arauzo-Carod

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

Welfare Maximizing Contest Success Functions when the Planner Cannot Commit

Year: 2010

Reference: Document de treball nº-5-2010

Author(s): Luis Corchón and Matthias Dahm

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

The size of the underground economy in Germany: A correction of the record and new evidence from the Modified-Cash-deposit-Ratio approach

Year: 2010

Reference: Document de treball nº4-2010

Author(s): Michael Pickhardt and Jordi Sardà Pons

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

Gender gap index in Spain by regions

Year: 2010

Reference: Document de treball nº-3-2010

Author(s): Teresa Corbella Domènech and Coia Domingo Vernis

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

Do Legal Immigrants and Natives Compete in the Labour Market? Evidence from Catalonia

Year: 2010

Reference: Document de treball nº-2-2010

Author(s): Luis Diaz-Serrano

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820

Modelling Interbank Relations during the International Financial Crisis

Year: 2010

Reference: Document de treball nº-1-2010

Author(s): Nektarios Aslanidis and Christos S. Savva

Paper edition: ISSN 1576-3382

Electronic edition: ISSN 1988-0820